I glower at her.

She raises her hand, "I hope you don’t mind I’m being honest with you. I feel like we’ve gone beyond the need to hide things from each other, don’t you think?"

"By all means," I tighten my hold around the stem of my wine glass, "go ahead and tell me what you’re thinking."

"Ultimately, though, I am coming around to the fact that you are good for him."

"You are?"

She nods, "Clearly, the two of you are in love with each other, and as I said, it’s rare to find that, so…"


"So, you’d better play your part and make sure he comes around to accepting you now. And I do hope and pray that you get pregnant quickly again. Nothing like having a man’s child to completely change things and ensure that your marriage is on rock solid ground."

"And here I thought you were ahead of your time."

"I am." She smiles sadly, "It’s why, after going against my son and ensuring that I moved the boys to LA and took them out of his grasp, and after holding my own against the men of the Cosa Nostra, one thing I have realized is that it’s best not to make things too difficult for yourself."

I frown, "I am really not sure what you are trying to tell me."

"That what you did earlier, when you tried stopping Michael from attacking Luca in front of everyone else... Don’t do it again."

"Excuse me?" I snap. "I'll do what I want, when I want with him. He's my husband."

"And the Capo of the Cosa Nostra."

"I know that," I scowl.

"Do you, though?" She looks me up and down, "You are the wife of the most powerful man in Europe. Which means your position comes with certain responsibilities."

"Oh, please," I scoff. "It's not like I am married into the bloody British royal family."

"Isn't it?" She arches an eyebrow.

I blow out a breath, "Can you please stop playing games and just tell me whatever it is that you are trying to say?"

"You tried to stop your husband from beating up his younger brother in front of his rivals and in front of the people who look to him as their leader. The same brother who helped you escape earlier. At the worst, it looks like you were trying to cuckold the Capo—"

"Oh," I gulp.

"—at the best, it looks like you were trying to defy him."

"O-k-a-y," I flush.

"Either way, you made him lose face in front of his clan and his business rivals. And the fact that he didn't turn on you, but actually listened to you, revealed that he places a lot of faith in you."

"What's wrong with that?"

"Haven't you been listening to anything I have been saying?" She scowls, "You showed yourself as being his weakness—"

"—which means I made myself a target all over again? And that it's probably only a matter of time before they try to get to him through me again." I slump my shoulders.

Nonna half smiles, "Knew you were smarter than you look."

"Gee, thanks." I twist my fingers together. "So, what? I need to be more careful how I come across with him in public."

"Among other things." She purses her lips, "Can I share something else with you?"