"I do."

"Clearly, it’s a date."

Luca scowls, then his body visibly relaxes,"Stronzo di merda."

I chuckle, then grab him around his shoulder, "Testa di cazzo." I kiss him on both cheeks in a brotherly fashion, "I’ll let you go on one condition."

"What’s that?"

"We’re coming with you," Massimo declares.

"What?" Luca growls, "No fucking way."

"Hell, yes, way." Christian laughs. "You’re not getting out of this, bro."

"Hear, hear." Sebastian, smirks. "You take all of us, or no one goes." His grin widens, "What’s it gonna be?"



The beats from the music vibrate through the nightclub. I stare down through the floor-to-ceiling glass window at the mass of writhing bodies. Men and women, men and men, women and women, gliding their bodies against each other, twisting, turning, contorting their bodies into shapes that fit the tempo of the throbbing cadence. A normal Wednesday night at Venom, one of the many nightclubs my clan owns across Italy

A moan bleeds through the air. I turn, watch as Massimo leans back in a settee at the far end of the room. His arm is flung over the back of the sofa, his legs wide apart. A woman leans between them, her face stuck to his crotch. He has his fingers wrapped around her nape as he moves her head up and down, up and down, using her mouth to pleasure himself.

Opposite him, Christian is seated in a leather armchair, a woman draped over his lap, on her front. He palms her butt, then slaps it and she groans. He squeezes her ass cheek and she throws her head back and moans theatrically. Clearly, she is enjoying herself too much for it to be real. Not that Christian cares, what with the two other girls standing on either side of him, both bare-chested. One of them leans down, cups her breast and pushes her nipple into his mouth. He sucks on it, while the third woman wraps her arm about his shoulder. She nibbles on his ear, pushes her bare breasts into his arm.

I glance away to where Xander makes out with a woman wearing a thin sliver of underwear that barely covers her crotch, a man dressed similarly on the other side of him. Xander wraps his fingers around the man’s dick, and the two kiss passionately. The woman leans in to join them. Xander releases the man, only to grip the nape of her neck. He hauls her closer, and soon the three are straining to exchange fluids of the oral kind.

I glance at the door to the private gallery where we are. The VIP room is always booked for me and my crew. Antonio stands to attention by the door, his gaze alert, as always. I cross the room, winding my way between the various bodies until I reach him. "Where’s Luca?" I ask. "Haven’t seen him since we arrived."

Antonio jerks his chin toward the side of the room that looks down on the private rooms.

"He’s decided to pull out all the stops today, huh?" Of all of us, Luca’s tastes run the most toward being an exhibitionist. But I’ve never known him to indulge in it in front of his own family before today.

"He was not happy with the stunt thatstronzopulled," Antonio agrees.

"Make sure his mother is taken care of for the rest of her life."

I turn to leave when Antonio calls out, "Boss…"

I stop, turn to glance at him, "You have a question, Tony?"

"Yeah." He hesitates, shuffles his feet, then blows out a breath, "Why do you think that rat tried to place the blame on Luca?"

I tilt my head, " I have no fucking clue." I raise a shoulder, "It's also not something I am going to worry about for a minute longer."

He nods.

"And neither should you."

"Right, Boss." He straightens. "I’ll be right outside if you need me." He pushes the door open and walks out.

I pivot, head toward the glass wall on the far side of the viewing gallery. With its vantage point, there isn’t anything going on in the club that I could miss from here.

I pause when I reach the wall, glance down at the small room it overlooks on the floor below.

I glance down and see Luca, clad in tight leather pants, raise a whip and bring it down on the exposed back of a woman who has been strung up from the ceiling. He’s tied her wrists together and hauled them over her head, while her ankles are kept apart by a spreader bar.