What if it is? I was so sure—no matter how under control my life is or proud I am of my accomplishments so far—being a child, by comparison, I didn’t have a chance with him, who on looks alone could have anywomanhe wants. Because, of course, having been the inconsiderate asshole I was, not letting him speak, I can only guess what else he has to offer.

Though he didn’t seem to enjoy it, he does his own shopping, so, I’m guessing he’s not a billionaire or anything. But his shoes were designer and he hadn’t skimped on his haircut…

A hum rumbles my throat thinking about getting my fingers in that hair of his. It wasn’t long but it had looked lush. The natural wave over his temples, lightly salted with silver.

The rush of heat between my legs catches me off guard. Before now, if anyone had asked me if I had a thing for older men I would have laughed them right out the door.

I scan the parking lot until I find a man I guess is around the same age as Daniel. He has a little more gray in his hair but is built similarly. And he knows how to dress himself. But when he turns my way, I don’t get that floaty feeling in the pit of my stomach I’d gotten when I first laid eyes on Daniel.

Maybe I don’t have a thing for older men. Just a thing forhim.

My stomach flips over. Probably trying to keep from floating up my esophagus.

Yeah. I definitely have a thing for Daniel.

Finally, I pull my phone out of my messenger bag. After taking a deep breath to calm my nerves and give myself time for a quick pep talk about not making my response to his text sound too eager, I look at the screen.

Lainey: So, are you coming home or are you just going to leave me sitting outside your apartment all night?

Groaning, annoyed I’d gotten all worked up over nothing, I reply to my obnoxious older sister.

Me: Untwist your undies. I’ll be there in five.

Lainey: You should have been here twenty minutes ago.

Not wanting to miss my five-minute promise and give my sister more firepower, I toss the phone on the passenger seat and pull out of my parking spot.

I love my sister but, besides our inability to keep our mouths shut long enough to let anyone else speak, we are complete opposites. Which is why I will not be sharing my run-in with Gumbo Guy with her.

Pulling up to a stoplight, I sigh glancing at my phone laying lifeless on the seat next to me.

That text might not have been Daniel but that doesn’t mean I won’t get one from him. Not that I hope to get a panicked message from him when he ends up with a lumpy roux but I want to hear from him again. Of that I am certain.

To be sure I know right away when he sends that message, I pick my phone while stopped at the light, find the message I sent myself from his phone and save Daniel the Gumbo Guy’s number.


“Excuse me. Excuse me.”

Why is there a sea of people blocking my apartment? And why won’t they fucking move?

“Excuse me!” I yell over the conversation I’m shocked hasn’t pissed off my neighbors or brought out the superintendent.

“Crying out loud, Riley.” My sister appears as the sea of people parts before her. “Don’t be rude to your guests.”

“My guests?”

Myguests? I don’t know these people. And even if I did, I would not invite them over. Especially not in large quantities.

“I met them on the trail today. Told them all about you being new in town and they couldn’t wait to welcome you to the neighborhood.” Lainey’s smile is a mile wide.

She honestly believes this is something I want. It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve told her, I don’t need friends—not in the abundance she requires, anyway—she keeps bringing them around like stray cats in need of a home.

I’d rather she bring me cats.

As soon as the people flood my tiny, one-bedroom apartment, I pull my sister aside. “It was only supposed to be you and me for dinner. I didn’t buy enough to feed this many people.”

“Don’t worry. They’re not staying. They just stopped by to say hello. Seriously, they’re super cool. I think you’re really going to like them.”