Page 5 of Candy

“Of course. Make yourself at home, Candace,” he says. The sincerity in his voice breaks my heart.

As I shut the bathroom door behind me, I’m resolved not to take advantage of Liam’s offer. It was kind of him to let me live here, but I can’t live here as long as it’s going to take me to pay Eddie back.

Maybe it’s time to take the Kings up on their offer to pay my debt with the mob for me.

Chapter 3


Candace must think I’m insane. I can’t believe she didn’t run screaming when I suggested she stay with me. I can’t even imagine the kind of shit she’s gone through that would make moving in with a stranger seem like a safe thing to do.

I mean… It is. I’m perfectly harmless. At least, compared to the people she lives and works with. If violence is called for, I will answer but I won’t go looking for a fight. Candace can sleep soundly in my home.

The coffee finishes dripping into the pot. I fill two mugs and carry them into the living room.

As I set the steaming mugs on the coffee table in front of the sofa, Candace appears beside me. “I hope you don’t mind. I borrowed one of your campus security shirts from the dryer.”

“That’s fine,” I squawk like a prepubescent boy.

What is it about a girl wearing a guy’s clothes that makes her goddess-tier hot?

Candace is not an overly curvy girl but what she has is perky as fuck. Her tits tenting my T-shirt leaves a clear outline of what’s underneath.

And don’t even get me started on those legs of hers. They go all the way up and the shirt barely covers her ass. No wonder the men at the Mink wanted to see her dance. Imagining her ass flexed to support those stems on a pair of stilettos? I have to sit down and hunch over my lap to hide my cock stretching the front of my jeans.

“Also, I stuck all my clothes in the washing machine. On the shortest setting. You’ve already done so much for me I didn’t want to run your water bill up on top of it.”

All of her clothes… Meaning that T-shirt is all that’s keeping her from standing here completely naked.

My cock officially aches pressed against the back of my zipper.

I can’t remember the last time I had a girl in my house, let alone a naked one. Or even nearly naked.

Working the night shift makes it nearly impossible to meet anyone. Work all night, sleep all day. There aren’t many places to meet women in my free time. Not many people are in a dating mindset at three in the afternoon standing in the supermarket line.

I could quit. Get a different job or none at all. It’s not like I need it.

“Coffee?” I ask, inviting her to sit with me on the couch.

There’s bone-crushing silence between us as we sip our coffee. I blame myself. It’s fucking hard to find something to talk about knowing there’s only one item of clothing keeping her from being completely naked right now. Add my overwhelming curiosity about the details that landed her at the Cinnamon Mink and it’s just better for me to bite my tongue than risk sticking my foot in my mouth.

“So,” Candace says, finally breaking the silence. “Are you from Noble?”

“No. I moved here a few years ago. My fiancé at the time taught at the college.”

“Oh. Things didn’t work out, huh?” Candace grimaces.

“Caught her cheating on me with one of her students.”

Candace winces this time sucking a quick breath through clenched teeth. “Yikes. Why the hell are you still working at the college with her?”

“She doesn’t work there anymore.”


“I may have ratted her out to the administration. With pictures,” I admit with maybe a bit more glee than necessary.

“Savage.” Candace grins and takes a sip of her coffee.