Page 19 of Candy

“It’s fine—I’m fine,” Candace says, hugging her back. The way they hold each other, it’s obvious they’re close. “I didn’t ask for him to pay—.”

“I know. It’s been a hard sell. They don’t think you’re a sound investment. They’re claiming they can’t get out of you what they paid because we’re sisters. Seth will go too easy on you.”

“I think I can help with that,” I say.

“And you must be…” The woman begins as Candace unwraps her arms from around her and introduces us properly. “Misty, this is my boyfriend, Liam. Liam, my sister, Misty.”

“It’s nice to finally meet you,” I say, holding out my hand.

“Same here,” she says, shaking the hand I offered her. There’s a tenderness in her eyes I didn’t expect. Being surrounded by men like Seth, I would have thought she’d be a hardened version of Candace but she’s not. I can’t imagine how that’s possible. “Can I get you guys something to drink?” Misty asks, turning toward the dining room to her right and the kitchen behind it.

“Actually, this isn’t a social call,” Candace says.

I follow Candace as she follows her sister.

“Oh,” Misty says. Her hands grip the back of one of the dining room chairs on the opposite side of the table from where we stand.

“Do you know when Seth will be home?” Candace asks.

Misty opens her mouth to answer at the same time the front door opens behind us.

“What do you want?” Seth says coming in to stand beside Misty.

“Your wife says you’re having some trouble with Candace’s debt. I was just telling her, I think I can help.”

“Misty shouldn’t have told you that. Besides, it’s handled,” Seth asserts, directing a sharp, dangerous look at Candace that has my hackles up and her white as a sheet.

“How so?” Misty asks, her voice full of worry.

“We took a vote. The club will forgive the debt if Candy comes to live at the clubhouse.”

Misty rips out of Seth’s arms. “You didn’t. You can’t! She’s my sister!”

Candace drops into the chair next to her, eyes wide and hand over her mouth as tears run down her cheeks.

“That’s exactly why I did,” Seth says. “It was either that or put her on deliveries. At least she’s guaranteed to live through this.”

Candace sobs next to me causing my anger to stir and boil. Something’s very wrong here.

Putting my arm around Candace trying to comfort her, I demand, “Someone needs to explain to me what the fuck is going on.” Not that it matters. Candace isn’t going anywhere without me.

“They want me to pay off my debt…” Candace pauses to catch her breath. “They want me to be one of the club’s live-in whores.”

At that moment my rage boils over, blocking out all reason including why we came here in the first place. Forgetting the money, I leap over the table and tackle Seth to the ground.

Seth attempts to wrestle out from underneath me but I have him pinned as I crush his face with my fist.

Blood sprays from the bridge of his nose then oozes down his cheek when my other fist splits the skin under his eye.

Those two blows are all I get in before Candace’s arms hook under mine yelling, “Stop it, Liam. Please.”

Misty falls next to Seth.

He struggles at first. Eyes locked on me. Then, Misty puts herself between us when we’re on our feet. When their eyes meet, Seth stops dead in his tracks. With just a look from her, it’s over.

That’s when I realize, we’re both beholden to these women. We’ll do anything for them. Misty has to hate this deal just as much or more than I do. If anyone can convince Seth to take the money, she can.

“How much?” I ask her panting as the adrenaline fades from my veins.