Page 11 of Candy

“Then I’ll buy the stupidest, most impractical car on the lot and call it a mid-life crisis.”

Candace laughs, relaxing back into me. “But you’re only like… Thirty-three.”

“Thirty-eight but who’s counting?”

There’s a heavy beat before Candace whispers, “Sixteen.”

“Another time I need to be aware of?” I joke.

“No. I just… I thought there were only maybe ten years between us. But there’s sixteen.”

“Is that a problem?” I ask as panic fills my chest making my heart race.

Candace takes a deep breath. “No. Of course not. Just took me off guard for a second. Age is just a number and it didn’t have any effect on your performance…” Candace trails off as she slides her hands and arms around my waist. My cock goes ramrod straight as she imprints her body on mine and asks, “You have one more in you before I have to get ready for work?”

Candace squeals as I give my answer, sweeping her into my arms and carrying her back to bed.

Chapter 6


“Hey, Candace. John called in sick, I need you in the projection room,” Penny, my boss and the owner of the theater, says when I come back to the kitchen to start turning over tables for dinner service after my break. “Who’s going to wait on my tables?”

“Rachel can handle it,” she says. “Now get going. It’s nearly a quarter after.” She points at the clock on the kitchen wall reading ten past four.

“On my way,” I tell her and hightail it to the theater and up the stairs to the projection room.

About two minutes into the trailers, the door opens and my sister walks in.

Misty is my older, but not much wiser, sister. She didn’t get herself in debt with the mob but she did choose to live a life of crime with a man who doesn’t blink an eye at asking her sister to strip at his club.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I ask her in a hushed but urgent tone.

The concern in her ice-blue eyes answers my question before she does. “Seth told me what happened last night. Why you took off. I’m so sorry, sis.”

“Whatever. It’s not like I thought he could actually follow through. It’s a strip club. Guys are going to get handsy.” After my shift, I’d told Seth I quit. That’s why he followed me last night and that’s why Misty is here now. I’m sure part of it is them trying to help me but most of it, at least for Seth, is to get me back on the pole making him money. Seriously, it’s a good thing he legitimately loves my sister. We look a lot alike, same blue eyes and black hair but she doesn’t dye hers. Unless he just wants to keep her much curvier body to himself, I wouldn’t be surprised if he ever put her on stage.

“You know… You don’t have to work there. If you’d just ask the club for the money, I’m sure they’d vote to pay it off. They know you’re good for it.”

She’s my sister and I love her but times like this, I wonder if I should cut ties. She knows what that kind of debt can look like with the Kings. I can’t believe she’d assign me even the possibility of that fate.

“I don’t want to owe the Kings a favor any more than I want to owe money to the fucking mafia. At least with Eddie, I know what I owe and when it will be paid off. You know the same can’t be said for the Kings.”

Misty sighs and slumps her shoulders. She knows I’m right. There’s no telling what awful thing the club would require me to do to pay them back. I don’t want to find out.

“Seth says you’re dating someone? You were making out with him on the bus? Why didn’t you tell me?” Misty asks eager to change the subject, I’m sure.

“We were making out but we’re not dating. We are living together though.” Well, that’s clear as mud. I knew things with Liam were complicated but I didn’t realize just how much until I tried saying it out loud.

“Okay…? And I thought my relationship was complicated,” Misty mumbles.

“Yeah. Your threesome with the lawman and the outlaw still has me beat on the complicated scale. But I might be a close second. By the way, have you and Seth decided when you’re going to tell the club about detective Hanlan?”

“If it were up to me, they’d already know. But Seth… It could cost him everything he’s ever worked for with the club. And Gabriel… It could cost him his life if the club decides he’s a liability and can’t be trusted. Which is bullshit. How do they think they’re getting away with half the shit they do?” Misty growls and grits her teeth wanting to rant more but stops when I shush her. If they hear her in the theater and complain to Penny, I could lose this job.

“They’re going to find out eventually,” I say after she calms down. “Better you tell them yourselves than let them find out you two are shacking up with an undercover cop whose job it is to take down the entire club.”

“That’s what I’ve been telling them. But they won’t listen. I wouldn’t be surprised if Hawk already knows and is just holding onto the info until he finds a good use for it. Some days I think about walking into that clubhouse and making an announcement myself… But I can’t betray Seth or Gabriel by making that decision on my own.”