Page 49 of Wild Horses

I’m worried I’m about to draw blood when my breath hitches and my pussy clenches. Drawing the pleasure out as long as I can, I get my second wind and take control again.

“Fuck, yes. Save a horse, city girl. Take this cowboy for a fucking ride.”

I love making love to Theron. Slow and sweet. But I love fucking him just as much. The lust and awe in his eyes as he watches me is the most empowering feeling. When his hips jerk up and he fucks into me in equal measure as he comes, I know it’s all for me. Because it’s what I want and he gives it to me.

I’m still coming down when Theron pulls me to his heaving chest. His heart reaching out to mine. Hammering so hard between us, it’s like it’s trying to break out of his ribs and into mine.

It’s a cool autumn night. The breeze chills the sweat on our bodies and makes me shiver.

Reaching out a hand, Theron grabs the edge of the blanket and pulls it around us as he rolls us onto our sides.

“You are so fucking beautiful,” Theron says pushing his fingers through my hair. “I’m so proud of you, city girl. I have no doubt you’ll make all your dreams come true.”

“Considering my dream of being with you already came true. I’d say you’re absolutely right,” I tell him, then peck a kiss on the end of his nose.

Theron’s expression gets serious before he wraps his arms more firmly around me pulling me close until there’s no space between us.

I keep expecting him to say something but he never does. And I don’t ask. He’s not been shy about sharing his feelings with me. I figure if there’s something he needs to tell me, he will.

The night wears on and we spend it in the bed of his truck. Silent. Under the stars, wrapped in each other’s arms.

Maya warned me that Theron doesn’t like to let go. That’s okay with me. I don’t want to let him go either. Wherever I go. Wherever I am. I want to be with him.

“Have you thought about where you’re going to live after the auction?” I ask him getting a dangerous idea.

“Not really. Part of me always thought I’d be able to stop it. Now that it’s inevitable, I’ve kind of been avoiding thinking about it.”

“Oh. I shouldn’t have brought it up, then. I’m sorry.”

“No. It’s fine. I should start thinking about it. As much as I hate the entire fucking situation, I’d rather not be homeless when it’s over.”

“I know what you mean. I can’t live with Marta and Boone forever. At some point, I’ll either have to find a place of my own or wind up homeless myself.” I chuckle trying to lighten the mood and hide how nervous I am.

Thankfully, Theron chuckles too. Then, to my surprise and utter delight, he beats me to the punch. “Maybe we should find a place together.” Though, I’m not sure he’s being serious.

Just in case, I keep the joke going. “There’s always the old barn. Just throw a tarp over the roof to keep out the rain and snow. Nice and cozy.”

“And completely safe. Pass inspection with flying colors.”

We laugh a bit longer but when it fades there’s a definite question in the air neither of us has the courage to ask, let alone answer.

So, we let it hang there. Content to leave it unasked and unanswered as we fall asleep staring at the stars.



“Morning,citygirl,”Isay, my voice still thick with sleep as Skye’s eyes flutter open, straining against the sun overhead.

“What time is it?” Skye yelps sitting up holding the blanket to her naked chest.

“Who cares? It’s Saturday.”

Skye leaves me naked as a newborn taking the blanket with her as she climbs out of the truck bed following a string of curses.

“What the fuck’s going on?” I ask her but she ignores me as she throws the blanket down and picks up her clothes on the ground beside the truck.

I don’t fucking like it. What’s going on? What’s she not telling me?