Page 47 of Wild Horses

“We didn’t hook up, Boone. This isn’t a flash-in-the-pan thing. I care about Skye. And we didn’t do anything wrong. Nothing happened until after she turned eighteen.” That’s not entirely true but nothing he’d kill me for happened until then.

Boone shakes his head, disappointed. “That might make it legal but it don’t make it right.”

I don’t argue with him. Pretty sure I’d say the same thing if the roles were reversed. If he’d kissed my sister like that. That is if I stopped kicking his ass long enough to say anything.

The fact that my ass isn’t on the ground gives me hope that he won’t stand in our way.

Boone paces for a minute. Two minutes. Three, before stopping and getting in my face again.

“You treat her right,” he says through gritted teeth.

“Better than right,” I assure him.

He nods curtly. “And you better not stand in her way. That girl’s going places. You better fucking not stop her.”

“Not a chance.”

One more curt nod and Boone storms off to who knows where. And I’m left knowing full well that went a hell of a lot better than it could have gone.

When I get back to Skye, sitting again on the tailgate of Boone’s truck, she’s alone.

“Where’d everybody go?” I ask.

“Maya went to talk to a boy she’s had her eye on all night. Ash took off.” She points to the space his truck used to be. “And Penny…” Skye scans the area. “I don’t know where she went. She was right here a second ago.”

“She went after Boone.”

“You know about that?” She asks then slaps her hand over her mouth. Probably worried she just betrayed her friend’s trust.

I can’t help but laugh. “The only person on the planet who doesn’t know is Boone.”

“Ouch. Poor Penny.”

“Boone’s not a bad guy. But the fame he achieved with his motocross career was enough to go to his head. Cloud him from seeing much of anything but himself.”

Skye’s eyes sparkle like a light just came on in her head. “That explains why I haven’t seen much of Boone around the farm. He’s family. He cares about me enough to feel the need to protect my honor but that’s about it. And that’s okay. I’ve done fine without him. Better than fine. If he’d paid more attention to me, we never would have found enough time to be alone together.” She gestures between us.

“Like we’re alone now,” I say slotting my hips between her legs hanging over the tailgate and gripping her thick hips in my hands. “You wanna get outta here?”

Skye wraps her legs around my hips and her arms around my shoulders. “Go where?”

“For a ride,” I say and pull her in for another kiss.

I can still taste the cupcakes and coffee on her tongue. Sweet and dark. It pulls me in so hard and so fast, I want to lay her down right here in the bed of Boone’s truck and fuck her so the whole world will know she’s mine.

“What are we waiting for?” She asks and I pull her off the tailgate and walk her backward to my truck kissing her all the way.

In the cab, Skye slides to the center of the bench seat, next to me. I stretch my arm around her shoulders as we pull onto the road, announced by the gravel crunching under the truck tires.

It’s a quiet drive. The silence covers us like a warm blanket. We’re so comfortable in it, I wish this drive—this night—never had to end.

“It’s beautiful out here,” Skye says when I park overlooking the lake rippling with moonlight after I kill the headlights.

“Have you never been?”

“The last time we visited was for Christmas when I was like thirteen. A bit cold for going to the lake.” Skye nestles into my side as we both stare out the front window. Axel Rose belts out a ballad through the worn-out speakers. My hand drifts lazily up and down her arm.

I had no idea how much of a relief it would be to touch her like this. Without having to worry about someone finding out. Now that the secret’s out, I don’t want to hold anything back.