Page 33 of Wild Horses

Theron growls and spreads my legs wide. His mouth comes down hard and fast to devour me.

I’m panting and biting back a whimper on the edge of release. Then, his expert tongue laps and circles, firmly then gently over my clit keeping my orgasm just out of my reach. I want to be embarrassed. I’m such a wet mess. The wetter I get the harder he goes. The hungrier he gets.

I’m so damn close. Wound so tight, about to burst when the house rattles with the bang of the kitchen door slamming shut.

The idea of getting caught scares the shit out of me but I don’t want to stop. I want to feel all of this. Not knowing if I should stop him or let him finish, Theron’s name slips past my lips before a scream escapes after it.

Theron’s tongue finding a consistent rhythm and pressure on my clit, claps his hand over my mouth keeping me quiet as the most violently sweet orgasm wracks my body.

“Theron,” Boone’s voice drifts up the stairs.

Sounds like he’s still in the kitchen. He yells again before we hear the door slam. He’s gone but if Theron doesn’t get out there, Boone might not give up so easily the next time he comes looking for him.

Seems Theron has the same concern. “I’ll see you tomorrow, city girl,” he says pulling my underwear up for me before he stands, takes the nape of my neck in his hand and kisses the top of my head.

“You promise?”

“Wild horses couldn’t keep me away.”



ThememoryofSkye’ssweetness on my tongue brings me the best sleep of my life. I can only imagine how much better it would have been if I’d gotten to sleep holding her in my arms. Waking up with her next to me. One night and I miss her already waiting for a reasonable time to show up for the birthday party Boone and Marta are having for her tonight.

I’m finally on my way out when my mom calls me back inside.


“Sit down, Theron,” she says gesturing at the chair pulled out around the corner from her at the dining room table.

I can hear the hooves of a thousand wild horses stampeding toward me.

This can’t happen. I don’t have time to fight with her today. I promised Skye I’d see her today and I’ll be damned if I’m going to break it.

“Is this going to take long? I have plans.”

She takes a deep breath and goes right into it. “Theron, I called the realtor this morning about putting the farm up for auction. I don’t want to fight about it. There’s no point. It’s done and I’m not going back on it. She’s coming over on Monday to take a look at the property. I’d like to get some things in order first.”

“But I have plans,” I say as calmly as I can but through gritted teeth.

She’s right about there not being any point in fighting about the farm anymore. Even though I’ve put all of my time and money into it, my name’s not on the deed. But I won’t forgive her for selling it. Betraying my dad’s dream. And maybe I’ll pick a fight with her about that at some point but not now. She may not value her promises but I do. If I had the money, I’d buy the farm, like Boone and Marta bought their parent’s farm. But I can’t. It breaks my heart to have to let my home and my dad’s dream go but it doesn’t have to ruin things with Skye before they really get started.

“We just need to do a few things today to set us up to finish the rest tomorrow. You’ll be out before they light the fire. I promise.”

“I’m not going to the bonfire tonight. It’s Skye’s birthday party. Maya and Penny are probably already there.”

“I didn’t know you were friends with Skye.” She gives me a curious side-eye and my heart skips as panic grips it.

Shit. This is another conversation I don’t want to have. I can’t possibly tell her how I really feel about Skye. It will be obvious I started feeling this way before I should have. I can just imagine the earful Mom would give me for even thinking about a seventeen-year-old girl the way I’ve thought about Skye. Even though I’m twenty-eight, she’d probably get the switch and brand my ass for kissing Skye. Even though it was after midnight, Skye was technically eighteen, mom would kill me for what I did with Skye last night.

“Marta invited a bunch of us.” I hold my breath until her eyebrows unfurl and she accepts my explanation with a lazy shrug.

“I’m sorry, Theron but we need to get this stuff done.”

“What about Maya? Why aren’t you making her help?”

“If you were as good of friends with Skye as Maya is I’d let you go too.”