Page 27 of Wild Horses

“You didn’t have to come back,” I say it like I’m angry but I’m not. I think I’m only frustrated that he’s fighting so hard. Why is it so hard for anyone to want to be with me? Why am I so hard to love?

“Of course, I had to come back. I can’t stay away from you. No matter how hard I try. No matter how wrong it is, I can’t stay away from you. I’ve tried. God, I’ve tried.” He’s breathing so heavily now my chest hurts from the pressure. But I don’t want to say or do anything that would make him leave. I like him here. His body on mine. “Fucking hell, city girl…” he goes on as he closes what little distance is left between us. “Wild horses couldn’t keep me away from you,” he says, then crushes his lips to mine.

I’ve been kissed but not like this. Those boys made kissing me seem like a chore. Theron acts like it’s the only thing giving him life. He’s hungry for it. Desperate. Maybe even more than I am.

When he slips his tongue along the seam of my lips, I open for him. Whatever he wants from me, he can have. I show him, thrusting my hips up to meet his.

Theron groans into my mouth and grinds his hips and the hard length of his cock against my mound.

My mouth breaks from his with the moan that bursts from my lungs at the sudden, shocking friction on my clit.

Theron freezes, his eyes are wide. “Are you okay? Your leg. Did I—?”

“I’m fine. Don’t stop,” I say pulling him back down to kiss me again.

But he resists and pushes up to sit back on his heels between my legs.

“Shit. Skye, what the fuck are we doing? We can’t do this. You’re too—. If we got caught. You’re only seventeen.”

I sit up and hug my knees to my chest. “Only for a few more days.”

“If your cousins found out. If my sister…”

“I don’t care if they know or what they think but if it matters to you, we can keep it a secret.”

Theron reaches out and cups my jaw. He stares into my eyes and I wait for him to say something but all he does is give me a small smile before standing with his bag in hand before going back to his ATV and reeling in the winch then finally saying, “Time to go, city girl,” like everything that just happened, didn’t.



It’sbeenalongweek waiting for my leg to heal enough to go out in public without having to worry about explaining the giant bruise that decided to stick around long after the cut healed. But I didn’t waste my time crying about how epically bad things ended with Theron. At least, I think they ended badly. Truthfully, I don’t know what happened with him. He didn’t turn me down—my offer to keep a relationship with him a secret—but he also didn’t agree to it. Maybe he didn’t mean any of it. Or he regrets kissing me. I don’t know but I haven’t seen or heard from him since that day in the woods.

Instead of obsessing over it, I finished the paintings I wanted to get done to hang at Parker’s Place and now I’m feeling pretty good about them and the arrangement with Parker when I walk into her shop a little after closing time Friday night.

“Skye. Come in. Come in.” Parker welcomes me as the biggest dude I’ve seen in my life takes the baby Parker was holding to cradle in his massively muscular arms.

“The rest are in my car,” I say as I hand her the one painting I brought in with me.

Parker holds the painting that’s my interpretation of Main Street in her outstretched arms. “Skye. This is beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

“Blake, sweetie,” Parker says waving the giant over.

That’s Blake? Theron and the other guy’s boss? I would hate to get on his bad side. The guy could crush my head in his fist. And he’s with Parker? This little pixie of a girl? My mind goes straight to the gutter wondering how that works.

But I manage to pull it out again when Blake drapes the baby over his thick forearm as he steps up behind Parker to look at the painting. And all he does is grunt.

“That means he likes it,” Parker says putting an elbow in Blake’s stomach. He gives her a sweet, single-dimpled smile. The love he sends her with that one look is palpable. Suddenly, I feel like I’ve intruded on an intimate moment.

“I’m sorry, Skye. I should have introduced you right away. This is my Blake and our daughter, Kinsley.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” I tell Blake who only gives me a nod. “And she’s adorable.” And unsurprisingly dressed all in pink. Complete with a pink bow on her little pink headband. Such a stark contrast to the brutish man in a black T-shirt and blue jeans, holding her.

“Is this all you brought?” Parker asks walking over to the wall, taking the painting that’s there down to put mine in its place.

“There’s half a dozen more in the car.” There would have been another but no matter how hard I tried to talk myself into bringing it, I didn’t have the heart to sell Theron’s painting. Even if he never takes it, it will always be his. I’ll always hold onto it for him.