Page 25 of Wild Horses

Skye rolls her eyes at me and goes back to her easel.

Now. I should leave right now.

“You wanna go for a ride?” I ask because I’m an idiot.

Skye pauses with the tip of her paintbrush an inch from the canvas. She chews her bottom lip for a moment before dropping the brush into the caddy under the canvas. Then, looking my way, she says, “Yeah. Okay. I’ll go put on some jeans.”

While Skye changes, I grab my bag out of my truck and head out to the barn and pull out Boone’s ATV.

My body warms and my cock grows harder ready to feel Skye’s soft body jostle against me for the next hour or so when she comes bounding out of the house and across the driveway.

But then she doesn’t stop to climb on the seat behind me. She keeps going. Into the barn where she climbs onto Marta’s ATV and starts it up.

“What are you waiting for, country boy?” She says with a shit-eating grin as she takes off without me. “Let’s go!”

She wants me to chase her. Does she have any idea what she’s asking for when I catch her?

I know I can’t do all the filthy things my dick wants to do with Skye but that doesn’t stop me from dreaming about it. Cutting her off in the woods, dragging her off her ride to bend her over it and fuck her sweet little pussy until her legs give out.

If ever there was a sign telling me to keep my distance from this girl, this is it.

Too bad I’ve already caught up to her.



Theron’sfarmoreskilledof a driver than I am. He doesn’t hesitate to go top speed and catches up to me in no time. When he does, he still lets me take the lead.

I’ve found a couple of routes through the woods I like. That aren’t too rough and have a nice view. Unlike Theron and the other boys, I’m not a huge fan of the jumps and the headache that comes after. So, he might think the ride is boring but it’s mine and I love it.

“You’ve been practicing,” Theron says when we stop next to my barn. No matter what path I take, they all end here. My little piece of heaven on Earth. I love it here.

“A little bit, yeah,” I say and head into the barn to grab my stash of paint supplies.

“And you’ve been busy.” He stands beside me studying the tiny corner of the mural I started on the broad side of the barn after I finished Parker’s painting. It’s supposed to be a timeline of my time here. But like everything I paint, it’s more like my impression—the feelings I’ve had—represented by color rather than content. I have no idea what it will look like when it’s done but I like where it’s going.

While Theron watches, I add today to the timeline. How I feel right now. And it’s bright. With or without a fire, the world glows when I’m with Theron. I’m not afraid to paint in front of him. No matter how bad I think it is, he looks at it like it’s a masterpiece. My stomach does a somersault when I find him looking at me the same way.

Swirls of orange and hot pink have taken the lopsided shape of a heart on fire.

“A little broken but still beating,” Theron whispers standing so close his fingers brush the back of my hand.

Is he asking to hold it? How do I tell him I want him to? Maybe I should—.

“It’s getting late,” Theron says turning away. “We should head back.”

Right. I’m only seventeen and we’re only friends. He doesn’t like me like that anyway.

Without a word, I stow my paints away in their nook just inside the barn and get back on Marta’s ATV.

Theron takes the lead back through the woods. It’s a good thing. I’d probably get us lost since all I can think about is how my hesitation to hold his hand may have ruined the only chance I’ll ever get to show him how I really feel. Howhemakes me feel.

“Shit.” The curse explodes from my mouth when my ATV comes to an abrupt stop and I almost fly over the handlebars.

Thinking I hit something Theron went around while I was lost in thought, I try backing up to go around it now.

But the thing doesn’t budge.