Page 24 of Wild Horses

“You want to be friends.”

Wait… Was that the problem? He thoughtIwanted to be more than friends? I mean, I do. I want to be a lot more than friends with him but I know that’s not going to happen, so yeah… I’ll take being friends with Theron over never seeing him again. “Yes. And I guess if it makes you feel any better, my birthday’s next Sunday. You won’t have to feel weird hanging out with some immature kid or whatever.”

Theron’s shoulders fall. “It’s not like that. I don’t see you as some immature kid. Nothing like that.”

“Then don’t treat me that way anymore.”

It’s hard to tell in this light but I think he smiles at me. “Fair enough, city girl.”

I do smile back at him loving that he called me city girl again. I like it when he calls me city girl.

“I should get back in there,” I say even though I’d rather stay with Theron. “I’ll see you again?”

It’s not quite the assurance I was hoping for but I accept Theron’s gentle nod as truth. We’re friends. He will come by to see me again. Now, I just have to trust that he means it this time.



Friends.CanIbefriends with Skye Cunningham?

After thinking about it all day Saturday and Sunday and most of today, the honest answer is… I don’t fucking know. All I know is since she walked barefoot, those legs and that ass shimmying under the flannel shirt that barely covered her, back into her cousin’s house the other night, all I’ve been able to think about is when I can see her again. And trying to come up with a decent excuse.

Since I don’t have a good reason, I use my need to get out of fighting with my mom for the hundredth time today about how much time I’ve taken off work to keep up with the chores, load my bike in the back of my truck and drive to Boone’s.

Skye had been so excited to go out on the ATV again, that I half expect her to come running when I pull up to the house.

When she doesn’t, my heart sinks. It figures I would come over the one damn day Skye’s not here. Maybe I should take that as a sign. That I shouldn’t have come.

As long as I’m here and have my bike with me, I might as well ride a few laps. Blow off some steam before I have to go back and work in the barn putting the hay in the loft until I pass out.

I haven’t even completed a full lap, still warming up, when I catch movement in the dining room window and stop.

It’s Skye.

She’s wearing my hoodie. And from what I can tell, nothing else.

I’d completely forgotten I’d loaned it to her. Watching it sway over her thick, bare thighs while she sways and paints to the music I’m sure is blaring in her ear pods, I’m likely to forget to take it from her again.

I shouldn’t stare. She’d probably be mortified if she found me watching her like this.

Before she catches me, I ride around and park my bike on the sidewalk. Standing on the stoop outside the kitchen, I knock on the door, then plant my forehead on it. She couldn’t hear my bike over her music, there’s no way she’ll hear me knocking.

I don’t want to walk in on her. The way she’s dressed… But it’s weird for me to knock. She’s going to wonder why and I’m going to have to come up with an excuse that doesn’t involve me peeping at her through the dining room window.

Fuck. This is why we can’t be friends. I don’t know how to be friends with a girl I want to find wearing nothing but my shirt. Or nothing at all.

While trying to figure out how to get Skye’s attention without doing something stupid and destructive, my body lurches forward and I’m barely able to catch myself from falling into the house when the door opens.

“Since when do you knock?” Skye asks standing in the doorway. She must have stashed my hoodie before she answered the door because it's gone and in its place is another oversized red flannel I’m pretty sure is Boone’s. The front tail is tucked into her short shorts and is only buttoned up halfway over a black tank top, stretched tightly over her tits and showing plenty of cleavage.

“Since now,” I say towering over her with my hands braced on either side of the jamb from when I caught my fall.

Kind of wishing I hadn’t. If I’d let gravity take me, I would have fallen into Skye’s sweet body.

There I go again looking for reasons to get close to her.

I really need to stop doing that. I really shouldn’t have come over. I really need to leave now. It was stupid to think I could be friends with her and not want to strip her naked and fuck her five ways from Sunday.