Page 22 of Wild Horses

“Hey, city girl.” I spin the top on my drink and lean back on the counter by the sink.

Skye shifts from foot to foot, fidgeting like she doesn’t have a clue what to do with herself.

This is my fault. For letting us get too comfortable and having to reign our interactions so far in it’s like we’re strangers again. Needing to start over.

“You like the movies?” I ask her.

She shrugs. “They’re alright. I feel kind of bad that I don’t share your sister’s enthusiasm.”

“No one does. She’s obsessed. Did you know she doesn’t use a smartphone? That’s how dedicated she is to living like she’s in the ’80s.”

Skye covers her mouth to keep from laughing too loudly and her ocean blue eyes twinkle even in the faint light of the digital displays.

If she knew just how badly I want to kiss her right now… Take the two steps, cup her round cheeks in my hands and devour her.

“You have a good ride?” Skye asks when her laughter subsides.


The twinkle in her eye dims as she casts her gaze at the floor in front of her. My guess is she’s remembering the ride we took together and she’s wondering, if I had fun that evening, why haven’t I come back to do it again like I promised?

Because I can’t guarantee I won’t give in and fuck you raw behind every tree in the woods between here and that run-down barn you love so much.

“How are things going with your mom?” Skye asks.

Talk about a mood killer.

“Same shit, different day.”

“I’m sorry. It’s none of my business.” Skye turns to leave. I should let her go. I shouldn’t even be talking to her but instead, I reach out, grab her hand and pull her back to stand next to me.

“It’s fine,” I say as she leans back on the counter with me. “I need to get over it. She’s made up her mind and my name’s not on the deed. Nothing I can do.” I take a long draw off my beer. The reality has been in the back of my mind for a long time now but that’s the first time I’ve genuinely admitted it to anyone, even myself.

“I sold my painting to Parker,” she says looking up at me. Her tone lightens the heavy mood I cast over us.


“Thanks. She’s going to let me hang more to sell to her customers.”

“Holy shit, city girl. That’s fucking awesome.” I lean into her, just meaning to bump my shoulder against hers but when I pull away, she follows. As she leans into my side I lift my arm, slide it behind her and pull her against me. She stiffens a little, but only for a second, then she wraps her arms around my waist.


Talking to her this long was enough of a risk. If my sister or Penny or Ash walked in but if they walk in on us now?

“I waited for you,” she whispers as she presses her cheek to my chest. “To take me on another ride through the woods.”

“Skye…” I don’t want her to let go but this is getting dangerous. If she doesn’t let go of me soon, I’m not going to care who walks in on us. I’ll plant her ass on this counter and fuck her right here. She started this. I’ll fucking end it.

“Why didn’t you come to see me?” She asks.

“I couldn’t.”

“Why not?”

For fuck sake, is she serious right now? Can’t she tell what she does to me? Can’t she feel my heart racing? How heavily I’m breathing?

I tighten my grip on her, holding her more firmly against me so I don’t do something stupid. “Because…” I say through gritted teeth. “You’re only seventeen.”