Page 20 of Wild Horses

Fuck, I hate to make her feel like that. I don’t even know if she wants what I want. I could be turning down an honest and wholesome offer of friendship because I can’t stop thinking with my dick.

“See ya, city girl,” I say knowing that no matter what kind of relationship she’s looking for, I can’t give it to her. My feelings for her are so far beyond friendship, I can’t be just friends with her. And if I can’t be more than friends with Skye, I need to keep my distance.

At least, for now.



Myexcitementovertheride with Theron dwindles as the week goes on. With every day that goes by that he doesn’t come back to take me on another ride like he promised. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Figuring he has his reasons considering the rock and hard place he’s between with his mom and the farm. But that had nothing to do with him refusing to come in for a drink and not taking his painting with him that day.

I should be used to being ignored and abandoned. I’ve come to expect it from my parents but I thought Theron would be different. Since it turns out he’s not, I bury my disappointment. Don’t let it get me down and use my alone time to learn how to drive the ATV and find my way back to the little abandoned barn with my art supplies.

The barn is falling apart. But I find a dry spot just inside the door to store my stuff and let the canvas I’m working on dry so I don’t have to worry about driving it back and forth. Then, every day, I drive out, set my travel easel on the concrete foundation a house once stood and finally finish Parker’s commission.

Theron was right about the thrill of driving the ATV. Especially off-road. There’s a freedom I’ve never felt before. I love how I can go anywhere. Disappear or get lost and have to find my way back. Though, I haven’t tried too hard to get lost because I do want to find my way back and I don’t know the woods that well yet.

I’d have gone out again today but I promised Marta I’d clean before Maya and Penny came over. Since Marta’s spending the weekend with her friends in the city and Boone went to a race out of state, Maya talked me into having a sleepover. But first, I need to drop the painting off at Parker’s.

“Oh, Skye. It’s perfect,” Parker says holding the painting at arm’s length while she studies it. “I don’t know how you do it but you’ve captured the feeling of Parker’s Place. I swear, this is how this place looks in my head when I’m not here. It’s… nostalgic.”

“Thanks, Parker.”

The tears in Parker’s eyes have me on the edge of crying myself. I was so worried, considering how long it took me to even get started, that the final product would feel rushed or forced.

“Let’s hang it up.” Parker starts with a skip as she hurries to the spot on the wall ready with a nail.

On her tiptoes, Parker finds the nail to hook the wire on the back of the frame. “Perfect,” she says stepping back to admire it. “Well, now. What do I owe you?”

My heart sinks. I hate this part but she had been adamant about me not underselling myself. So, I pull on my big girl pants and give her my number. She doesn’t even blink. Parker takes a checkbook and pen out of the pocket of her apron that flattens the front of her cute little blue tulle skirt. Bent over the table next to her, she writes the check, tears it off and hands it to me.

“Thank you, Parker. So much.” I bite my lips together to keep from sobbing.

I sold my art. No one else believed I could do it but I did it. I fucking did it.

“And I expect to see you again. With a stack of paintings to sell.”

“You will. I will. I…” I can’t help myself, so overwhelmed by emotion, I throw my arms around her and thank her again.

When she hugs me back, and says so sincerely, “You’re welcome, sweetie,” I realize this is the first honest to god hug I’ve ever gotten. I didn’t know what I was missing. Didn’t care if anyone ever hugged me, or showed me in any physical way they cared but now… My heart breaks for the hugs and physical affection I’ve gone without.

I don’t want to go without them anymore.

Back at Marta’s, I’m putting the last of the dishes in the dishwasher when the kitchen door flies open. “Where we’re going, we don’t need roads,” Maya quotes Back to the Future while holding the trilogy box set over her head.

Penny follows her in and I crack up at both of them, decked out in stereotypical 80s attire. From their side ponytails held by neon scrunchies, to the jean jackets and bangle bracelets, down to the billowy leg warmers over white, high-top tennies with Velcro straps.

Maya’s mouth drops open when her eyes sweep me head to toe. “Where’s your 80’s outfit?”

“Country boy attire hasn’t changed in decades. They’ve been wearing the same faded blue jeans and flannel shirts since the beginning of time.” Truth is, I didn’t have anything else so I just asked Boone if I could borrow one of his flannels.

“I guess…” Maya says shrugging and pouting. “At least you put some thought into it.”

I turn back to set the cycle on the dishwasher and press start just as an unfamiliar rider—I guess is Ash—on his dirt bike flies past the window over the sink. A couple of seconds later a familiar white and green rider flies by taking my heart with him.

I don’t know why I didn’t expect to see him. His sister’s here and the boys have an open invitation from Boone to use the track whenever they want.

“Don’t worry,” Maya says. “I told them to stick to the track and the kitchen so they don’t kill our vibe. Now, let’s get this party started.”