Page 19 of Wild Horses

I just hope he means it.



Skyegetsconsiderablymorecomfortable on the ride back to the house. She has no problem circling her arms around my ribs and settling the soft front side of her body fully against my back. My cock hardens feeling the twin mounds of her tits between my shoulder blades, and the heat of her center on my lower back where she straddles my hips.

Not wanting this trip to end, or to lose the closeness we’ve found, I dial back the throttle but not too quickly, so she won’t notice. Afraid she’ll ask me why I’m slowing down and I won’t have an answer for her. I can’t tell her the truth. That I’d make this ride last all night—all fucking year—if I could, just so I’d never have to lose the feel of her body pressed to mine. Because we’re not allowed to be this close in any other setting. We can be a little wrong huddled together on the ATV. We don’t have to apologize for being so close.

The closer we get to the timber’s edge, the slower I go. We may never get another chance at this. I don’t want it to end.

I could pull over. Into the trees. No one would find us there. We could stay as long as we want. I could tell her—show her how I feel. She’s almost eighteen. What’s the difference between taking her now and taking her a couple of weeks from now? My feelings aren’t going to change. I want her. I need her.

Surely, she’s noticed how slow we’re going by now. She could probably run home faster than I’m driving.

But I don’t care.

My chest fully expands as my breathing becomes labored and my heart pumps to fuel my cock growing harder by the second.

This is so wrong. I shouldn’t have brought her out here. Alone.

My concerns are confirmed when Skye flattens her hands on my stomach and slides them up to my chest as she somehow presses even closer to me.

Holy shit, her tits feel so fucking good.

Now what the fuck do I do?

Do I say something?

I don’t want to embarrass her. Maybe she’s just that afraid of falling off.

But this is the slowest we’ve gone. She could let go now and be just fine.

That’s the problem then. She’s gotten too comfortable. Not just with the ride but with me.

I need to change that.

Regretfully and with a heavy heart, I fight the urge I have to stop the ATV, pull her onto my lap and sink my cock into her hot little pussy, and instead, hit the throttle. Skye’s body and grip tense needing to hold on to keep from falling off instead of only having to hold on because it was a good excuse to get close.

It’s a short ride back after that. Bringing to an end the evening I wished never would.

“That was a lot of fun,” Skye says as I close the barn door. “I never quite understood the draw of motorsport before. Totally get it now.”

“Just wait until you’re in the driver’s seat. It’s a whole different kind of thrill. To be in control and also always on the edge of losing it.” Exactly how I feel when I’m with Skye. I can’t lose control when I’m with her but I know for an absolute fact now that there’s a part of me that wants to let the back-end kick loose, slide through the corner and crash into her.

“Next time, right?” She asks and I have to keep from cringing at the hope in her voice.

I never should have said that while we were out there. None of this ever should have happened.

“Yeah… Right,” I say because I don’t have the guts to be honest with her. Tell her there won’t be a next time because this was entirely inappropriate.

“You want to come in for a drink or something?” Skye asks all innocent but I can read the subtext on her pouty lips.

Oh, those kissable fucking lips. How good they’d look wrapped around my cock.

“I should go.” Every second I stay brings me closer to following her into the house instead of getting into my truck like I should.

“Oh. Okay. I’ll see you later then.” She smiles but her voice is thick with sadness. Edged with embarrassment.