Page 18 of Wild Horses

“Please. I want you to have it.” He should have it. After all, he inspired it.

Theron stares at the painting for a moment. His jaw flexes and I can’t help ogling at how it accents the sharp line of it. After nearly a minute, he says, “Thanks, Skye.” He stands staring at the painting for a few beats more before taking my hand and dragging me through the kitchen.

“Theron. What—?”

“You gave me something. It’s my turn to give you something.”

My stomach does all kinds of flips and somersaults. Loving the feel of his work-worn hand holding mine so tightly. Not giving me the room to escape. He has no idea that I’d willingly follow him anywhere.

He doesn’t slow down until we come to the barn where he lets my hand go to slide open the big door hanging on the rail overhead. The metal wheels grind on the rail and echo through the barn.

“Let’s go,” Theron says walking up to the ATV Boone picked me up on when my parents left me at the end of the driveway the day I arrived. I notice it’s parked in front of a second, smaller one.

“I don’t know how to ride one of these,” I say, my stomach in knots. Scared he’ll make me drive one anyway and I’ll make a fool of myself.

“You don’t have to. Hop on.” He gestures to the little bit of seat behind him, on his machine, with a tilt of his head.

This can’t be a good idea. My body has been running five degrees hotter since he showed up. No way he’s not going to notice. Especially with my legs spread and pushed right up against him.

All logic and every concern I have about how wrong and inappropriate this is goes out the window when I think about that, our bodies smashed together vibrating with the engine and all the bumps in the road, I don’t hesitate to climb on.

I see things so much smoother and sexier in my head because I swear, the second I swing my leg over the seat I turn into an octopus. I sprout four extra arms and have no idea where to put any of them.

“Hold on tight, city girl,” Theron says and I have no choice but to wrap my arms around his middle to keep from flying off the back as he tears out of the barn.

And oh, my God, he feels good.

I’m sure my attention is supposed to be on the wind in my hair and the way my stomach floats into my chest when we go airborne hopping out of the ditch, but all I can think about is keeping my hands from roaming all over his tight and toned chest and abs.

He feels so delicious I wonder why I ever thought this was a bad idea.

Oh, right. Because I’m seventeen and his sister’s friend and there’s no way he’s interested in me so I’m just getting my panties in a twist for nothing even if those other things weren’t true.

Trying not to bum myself out, I focus on the speed of the ATV, mixed with the high I’m getting from being so close to Theron, and let the trees and landscape blur out of existence as my mind goes completely blank.

That all changes though, coming back into sharp focus when he finds his way out of the woods and into a clearing. On the edge is a small concrete slab and a quaint rundown barn not far from it.

“Theron. Stop,” I shout and he slows the ATV to come to a stop next to the barn.

“It’s probably not safe to go inside,” Theron says when I climb off the ATV and walk toward the barn.

“Places like this beg you to believe in magic, don’t they?” I ask, not really looking for an answer, so I’m not bothered by Theron’s silence.

I do take a second to glance his way, over my shoulder. Still sitting on the ATV, he leans his forearms on the center of the handlebars, hands folded, watching me. Not just looking in my direction because I’m there but observing me. His eyes are intent. Interested.

“I wish I had my paints.” My body is buzzing with inspiration. I want to paint this scene, the feeling it gives me, the way Theron looks at me, the thrill of the ride here, and the desire his eyes and body draw from somewhere so deep inside of me I think I might burst. And I never want this day to end. If I could immortalize it on canvas, it would never have to.

“Let’s go get ‘em,” Theron says sitting up, ready to go.

I shake my head. “By the time we get back, it’ll be too dark to see the detail on the canvas.” I hate that I’m right because I want to say yes. Spend hours with Theron on the ATV and in this field. I can’t think of anything more perfect than that.

“Next time, then,” he says settling his forearms on the handlebars again.

It takes some serious willpower not to jump and cheer.

Next time…

He wants to do this again.