Page 10 of Wild Horses

Mental note: subtlety doesn’t work on this chick. “Umm… Okay,” I say because the only other option is to be upfront, tell her I don’t want to go out right now, and risk pissing her off. And I don’t want that.

“I’ll be on the track,” Theron says to Maya as she and Penny start to follow me back to the stairs. “Let me know when you’re ready to go.”

“You came with Theron?” I ask Maya. Disappointment gripping my heart. I need to know. “Are you two dating?”

Theron snorts and I catch him, over my shoulder, chuckling as Maya gags. “Ew. No. He’s my brother.”

Well, now I know why he’s here. And now he knows I’m curious about his love life.

I’m never coming out of my room again.



Thedirtundermytires feels good. Keeping the bike under me as the back end kicks out in the corners. My mind goes into a Zen-like state. Everything else falls away and all I know is dirt and sky. I can forget about fighting with my mom about the farm. About how much I miss my dad. Skye.

I tried so hard not to laugh when Skye thought Maya and I were a couple. She didn’t know Maya’s my sister. But I couldn’t help it. So many emotions overwhelmed me at once, they were bound to escape somehow. The emotion that put me on the edge was the hope Skye has given thought to dating me. The hint of jealousy in her voice when she asked if Maya and I were dating is what pushed me over.

She’s so sweet. Innocent.

If only she were a little older and not Boone’s cousin. Even still, there’s a part of me begging to risk it all to corrupt the fuck out of her.

It’s not until the track disappears as the sun falls behind the trees that I pull up to my truck and push the bike up the ramp into the bed.

“Perfect timing,” Maya says coming out of the kitchen door with Penny. Skye stands on the threshold. Her burgundy sweater and dark blue skinny jeans hug her delicious curves. My hands grip the handlebars of my bike harder wishing they could grip Skye’s hips while she rides me.

Okay. Those are the kind of thoughts I need to avoid.

After I finish tying my bike down, I hop over the side of the truck bed and catch Skye’s eyes on me as I unzip and shrug off the top half of my riding suit and tie the arms around my waist.

I’m not sure she’d be looking at me like that if she was standing downwind. I’m sweaty as fuck. Probably stink to high heaven. The girls are going to give me shit all the way home.

But I like the way Skye’s looking at me. Getting a little greedy, I take it one step further and pull my T-shirt off and throw it in the bed with my bike.

Skye’s eyebrows shoot up for a split second before her tongue darts out to wet her lips. Quick as a wink, she casts her eyes to the ground in front of her.

“Put your damn shirt on,” Maya scolds me. “There are ladies present.”

“What ladies?” I tease her and pull her into a headlock. “All I see are little girls.”

“I’ll see ya later, then,” Skye says turning to go back into the house with a sullen look on her face.

Shit. Did she take my little girl comment as an insult to her? I was only teasing Maya. I didn’t even mean it.

“Now see what you did?” Maya chides. “It’s a wonder I have any friends with an asshole for a brother.”

“Fine. You win. I’ll put a shirt on.”

“Aw. Do you have to?” Penny jokes and I’m relieved to see Skye is still in the doorway and smiling now. Her eyes flit in my direction again before I dig a shirt out of the bag I always keep packed with a myriad of essentials: a first aid kit, a change of clothes, snacks, and a bottle of water.

“It was nice meeting you,” Skye says as I pull the shirt on.

“You should come over to our house sometime,” Maya calls back. “We have goats.” Skye chuckles and Maya goes on in a panic, “But if farm animals aren’t your thing, there’s a bonfire next Saturday night—.”

“Again?” Skye blurts.

“Most weekends,” Penny offers. “Honestly, it can get exhausting.”