Page 32 of The Vampire's Vow

My body can’t seem to get enough of him as it burns with desire; the bed starting to grow wet beneath me with it. Valentine finally pulls away to sit back on his heels, pushing my hands away as I try to reach for him again.

Grabbing himself he runs his hand up and down over his length before suddenly slapping it against me. The sensation is so shocking that it only seems to make my body ache more, and I groan in frustration.

Valentine grins darkly, shifting back to press the tip of himself between my legs before moving to tease the outer parts of me. I reach for him, trying to get him to give me some kind of release, but he only grabs my wrist to stop me.

“You see, Evelyn,” he says, meeting my eyes with a cruel smile, “I can have youbeggingfor my cock in an instant, and I will, but not before my son is here to witness me take you with his own two eyes. I want Dante to hear you screammyname.”


The fog evaporates from my mind as quickly as it came, and I shrink back in horror as I come to terms with everything that just happened between us. How close I’d come tolettingit happen, and how desperately I’d wanted him.


I feel sick.

Scrambling off the bed, Valentine’s cold laugh follows me as I race into the bathroom. I drop down in front of a toilet and heave the silvery contents of my stomach into it, again and again.

Sweating and exhausted, I hang onto the edge of the toilet as the tears finally come.

It’s only when I finally make my way back toward the bedroom that I realize all the physical pain and lesions are gone. Just like the first time I woke to find myself in Valentine’s room, when he’d used his healing saliva, or whatever it is, on me.

I shudder at the thought.

Now that I’ve experienced both of his methods for healing, I don’t know which is worse.

No, I do.

I hate to say it, but his kiss is far more potent, and far more dangerous.

Valentine is almost finished dressing when I step into the bedroom. I quickly grab the sheet from the bed and wrap it around myself, but he pays me no mind as he straightens out his suit.

I watch as he takes one last look at himself before walking over to the bedroom door, but then he stops and turns to look at me.

“Come here.”

I reluctantly obey, dragging the sheet along behind me, not knowing what to expect.

Valentine reaches out to cup my chin, lifting my face toward him. He watches me for a moment before bending as if he’s about to kiss me again.

My body stiffens, and the corner of his mouth twitches as he pauses just inches from lips.

“I’m glad you’re starting to know your place,” he says, his voice a low growl. “Now, come. There’s something I want to show you.”



Once again, I’m led through the building in next to nothing, though I guess I should be thankful he isn’t making walk the halls completely naked. I certainly wouldn’t put it past him.

We make our way to the ground floor, and I have to spend the majority of the descent making sure I don’t end up falling to my death by accidentally tripping over the trailing sheets. Thankfully, I survive unscathed with nothing more than some weak knees to show for it.

Instead of making our way toward the lobby, Valentine leads the way into a completely new part of the building. Here, the halls are short as they veer off in every direction, and there are no windows or doors.

Whereas the other areas of the building that I’ve seen are confusing, this one is meant to be a maze. We wind our way through the twisting hallways with no décor or telltale signs to keep track of where we’re going.

For all I know, he’s walking us around in circles.

Finally, Valentine stops at what appears to be a dead end, and I have to wonder if he’s brought me all this way simply to show me how easily I could end up lost or dead in this place.