“Whatever,” I say out loud, going around the table and sitting across from her. She smiles wide and I glare at her.

Chapter Three


Jacobplacesacheesesteak sandwich on each of our plates, then returns the rest to the kitchen, while Vance scoops some fries onto his plate before handing me the bowl to do the same.

Their table is just big enough to fit four settings with the salad bowl in the center. After Vance helps carry ourwater glasses, he takes his seat next to mine. The sleeve of his shirt grazes my arm, sending a shiver down my body.

It’s been too long.

“Lily, Layla tells me you make a lot of the stuff for the store,” Vance says before taking a big bite of his dinner.

“Yes,” I reply as I grab my fork and sit up a little straighter in my seat, moving my leg so I can’t feel the brush of his jeans on my knee anymore. “I make bandanas, bows and all the baked goods.”

“Baked goods in a pet store?” he asks.

“Yeah, well, they are pet safe treats. Mostly made with peanut butter.”

I take a bite of my salad.

The rest of dinner is easy going. Small talk about our store, Jacob’s construction business and the fact that Vance has been gone for the past year in Alaska.

“What is it you did up there for a year?” I ask.

“I worked on a fishing boat.”

“Like those shows?”

“Pretty much. I was cold and wet eighty percent of the time. Not something I will do again.”

“Doesn’t sound like a fun job.”

“It had its moments, and the money was fantastic, but I’ll never do it again.”

“What are you doing now?” I ask him.

“I’m taking a month off while I figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I thought about going back to college, but I think if I do, I’ll do it online.”

“I told him I’ll have a position open for him whenever he’s ready,” Jacob says.

Vance laughs. “I appreciate that, and I’ll take you up on it if I don’t figure anything out.”

“There’s always the mine,” I say.

“Yeah, I just don’t know if I want to go from water every day to being underground every day.”

“That makes sense. I hope you figure it out.”

I smile at him and his cheeks blush slightly before he turns his head to Jacob.

“Can I help with the dishes?” he asks.

“No,” my sister replies. “Lily and I will do those later. Just drop your plate in the sink.”

He nods his head before standing with Jacob. His hand meets mine on the side of my plate.

“Let me,” he says.