We all say yes at the same time. She comes out from behind the partition. She looks stunning. Her dress is straight out of a fairy tale. A beautiful A-line dress with a sweetheart neckline and long sleeves made of the same lace that covers the whole dress. Her gorgeous auburn hair is styled in big wavy curls that cascade down her back, and on her head is a beautiful tiara any princess would love.

The three of us stand, oooh and aaaah at her at the same time.

“Mom,” she says moving her hair. “Will you button me up?”

I grab a tissue and blot at my eyes, willing myself to not cry. The photographer has been with us most of the day and is capturing every moment.

When her mom is done, I go to Sarah’s dress bag and pull out the white faux-fur-lined hooded cape she is wearing down the aisle. She really said,If Belle were getting married in the snow, what would she wear? And she nailed it. I hook the cape around her shoulders and swipe her hair to the front. Her auburn hair looks stunning against the crisp white of the cape and dress.

We lock eyes as I grab her hands in mine, squeezing once. I nod my head and she nods hers. I know she’s ready.

We all stay behind to watch from afar as Chris gets his first look at Sarah. He cries instantly then pulls her into him. I’ve never seen a man love someone the way he loves her. They exchange their personal vows, then Sarah comes back to us for a little touch up before we go to the wedding site.

Grayson and I walk together, arms linked and coming in from the bride’s side. Not down the middle. Then, from the groom’s side, Troy walks Chris’s mom to her seat in the front row. And then from the bride’s side, Curtis walks Sarah’s mom to her seat in the front row. Then Chris rounds the arbor and takes his spot.

The music plays, and Sarah walks down the aisle. No,floats. The way her cape moves over the untouched snow is beautiful. I totally understand why she had that request. She takes her spot in front of Chris, and it begins.

It’s not long before the officiant is asking for the rings. Chris looks back to Grayson and Grayson shrugs his shoulders, mouthing the words,I don’t have them. They both look back to Troy, who has a shit-eating grin on his face. He glances down the aisle and just then two ducks, one in a tuxedo and one in a white dress both waddle down the aisle. Both have something hanging from their necks.

Sarah gasps. “If that isn’t the cutest thing ever,” she says.

The ducks stop next to Sarah,her eyes are misty. Chris steps over and takes the boxes from their necks. His smile lights up his face. This was Troy’s idea, I’m sure, and I hate that he came up with it and not me. He hands one to Sarah, keeping the other for himself. They take the rings out and place them on each other’s fingers.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

Chris grabs Sarah around the waist and pulls her in for the most passionate kiss I have ever seen. They truly are amazing together. Everyone cheers, even the ducks. Chris and Sarah turn and walk down the aisle. Grayson and I both grab a duck and follow behind them.

“Were the ducks your idea?” I quietly ask Grayson as we walk behind them, knowing in my gut he had nothing to do with it.

“Nope. That was all Troy.”

Alright, I’ll give Troy credit, even though I hate it. That was thoughtful.

Chapter five


Theknockingreverberatingthroughthe house wakes me up. Sarah didn’t tell me anyone would be here, so I have no clue who it could be. I roll out of bed and slip on the eagle slippers Sarah got for me when she went to Oregon on her birdie trip.

She and Chris left super early this morning for their honeymoon to Peru. Something about a national park and tons of birds. I swear I was listening but I know they will have a blast. .

I can feel my giant hair bun flopping down the side of my head. Whomever is at the door is going to get an eye full. I slide the deadbolt lock and swing the door open. The cold air hits me, and it’s invigorating. Then, it all goes away when I see Troy standing there, a giant grin on his face.

I start to shut the door to walk back to bed.

“Whoooa, wait.” He puts his forearm on the door and pushes back. He looks me up and down. “Nice slippers.”

I grunt then turn back around. “What do you want, Troy?”

“I told Chris I would bring the tuxes over. He said you are going into the city, and they need to be dropped off.”

“Fine.” I roll my eyes. “Just set them over the back of the couch and see yourself out.”

I shuffle down the hall back to the comfort of my bed, shutting the door behind me. As soon as I am snuggled back in, there’s a light knock on my door.

“Go away, Troy,” I say as I cover my head with the blanket.

I hear my door click open. Is he serious right now? I sit up, throw the blankets off me and scowl at him.