"Right. Um, yes. He can."

I lower the toothbrush then turn from the counter, avoiding eye contact with anyone who just saw me acting like a complete crazy person. I find a bench. The metal is cold on my butt as I sit down. I drop my head into my hands again, the toothbrush getting caught in my hair as my sobs return. I pull my legs together and bring my arms as close as they will go, making myself as small as possible.

Have I lost my damn mind?

Chapter twenty-six


Ibucklemyselfintothe airplane seat and look through the window. I can't help but concentrate on the nagging feeling I have in my stomach. Like I am doing something wrong. But am I? We agreed this would work. We can do this. The squeeze on my heart is not agreeing, though.

I can’t do this. I can’t be away from her again.

I stand and scoot past the couple sitting next to me. I squeeze my way by the people boarding the plane.

"Sir, excuse me. Can I help you?" the flight attendant asks me. She puts her hand up in authority.

"I need to get off the plane." I push past another person.

"Sir, I need you to go back to your seat."

I know she's doing her job, but I'm determined.

"Right. Can I just use the restroom then?"

The restroom is at the front of the plane, I'll just slip by. Her lips purse together, and she crosses her arms.

"It's an emergency," I say, my voice rising at the end, hoping she buys it.

She holds a finger up to me and stops the people at the entrance to give me room to get into the restroom. I go in and wait a few minutes, looking at myself in the mirror.

"They can't just keep you on the plane, right? Like, restrain you, or something, to stay. No way."

I peek out and see that her back is to me. I slowly open the door, my back to the wall of the plane, and I slide past the people boarding. I see her look at me at the last-minute. Her hand flies up, and she gets onto her toes to look at me.

"Sir, you can't..."

That's all I hear before I run up the walkway. When I get back into the building, I don't see anyone that might be coming to stop me. So, I slow down to a walk until I feel like I am out of sight enough before I pick up the pace. I bypass the luggage area because mine will be heading to Montana without me, for now.

Once I am in the front of the airport, I look outside to see if there are any available Ubers or taxis. But something else catches my eye. Blonde hair dipping down into a little black coupe.

"No way," I say before I rush out.

I look around a few people before I see her. Her head is against the steering wheel, and she’s making no attempt to leave the spot she is in. I round the front of the car, my eyes on her, not looking away. I bend down so my face is even with the side of her head. Then I knock on the window a couple of times. It startles her and she quickly uses the sleeves of her hoodie to wipe her face before lifting her head and looking at me.

Her eye's grow wide, her mouth opens, and her hands come up to cover it. She has...my toothbrush in her hand? I go for the handle but it's locked, and she doesn't move to let me in.

I lean in a little more.

"Unlock the door, Love."

I see her sayOh yeahwhen she jumps to open the door. I back away and stand. Her head shakes slowly side to side.

"Why aren't you on your plane?" She points towards the airport with my toothbrush.

"Better question," I say. " Why do you have my toothbrush at the airport?"

"Um, you forgot it. I thought you might want it back."