There’s a text from Brittany, my sister. She is two years younger than me.

Brittany: I got the job!!!!

Me: YES! I knew you would. I am so proud of you.

Brittany: Thanks Sis! Can’t wait for you to get home so we can celebrate.

Me: And celebrate, we will.

Brittany: Kisses***

Me: Kisses***

My sister applied for a job at one of the biggest salons in Pittsburgh. Real high end, and she was up against some other amazing stylists. But I knew she would get it. She has skills and she takes every chance she gets to learn new techniques.

I give my blonde hair beachy curls. It’s the longest it’s ever been. It covers my nipples, and that’shashtag goals.

I fluff my hair, slip my shoes on, and meet the happy couple in the living room.

“Ready?” Sarah asks.

“Oh yes! So ready.”

When I was here for my dress fitting, we spent a night at the New Atlas Bar, and I had a blast.

Going to bars in Pittsburgh is fun, but it’s always the same song and dance. Everyone looks their best and is trying to get laid. Here, everyone just wants to have a good time. We drank, we sang, and Troy annoyed the ever-loving shit out of me, just by breathing.

He’s just so full of himself. Sarah says it's confidence, I say it’s arrogance. I’m sure he’s going to be there tonight, ugh!

I snap myself out of it and follow them to Chris’s truck.When we walk into the bar, the mass of people waiting inside yell, “Surprise!” I’m the only one of the three of us not shocked. Sarah’s friend Riley texted me to tell me they were doing this for the happy couple.

The bar’s packed. There are balloons and streamers everywhere. There are even some wrapped around the antlers of the elk heads as we walk in.

I walk up next to my friend and weave my arm through hers. I love big crowds and crazy times, but Sarah, she would rather have a quiet night at home learning about where puffins migrate.

We walk through the crowd of people. Everyone is reaching out to shake Chris’s hand and tell the couple congratulations. We make it to the bar where Grayson has a shot ready for each of us.

Chris grabs one, and I grab two. I look at Sarah, giving her a wink and knowing she doesn’t want to drink. I have no problem taking one for the team.

“Hello ladies,” Troy says as he puts his hands on either side of our shoulders. I shrug mine to get his hand off.

“Hi, Troy,” Sarah says, all chipper.

She always sees the good in people. Me, on the other hand, I turn my head, so he knows he’s not welcome in my space.

“What’s wrong Christina? You’re not happy to see me?” he asks.

I really hate that he got Sarah to tell him my actual name. I turn my head to him quickly.

“No one calls me that,” I say and look away.

“Fair enough,Chrissy,” Troy says.

The sound of my name coming out of his mouth burns holes in my soul. He leans towards me. I can feel his chest on my shoulder, and it makes me shudder in disgust.

“It’s okay. You don’t have to admit you’re glad to see me.”

I shrug my shoulders, hoping he gets the point. Arrogance is the most disgusting look on a man. Thinking they are better than everyone else. I stand up and turn to him.