“I love it, Sarah. Thank you.”

I hug her, and we squeeze each other tight. She has been through so much with me and I love her like a sister. It is so hard being away from her. I feel like a piece of myself is always across the country.

“I love you, too.”

We sit back, and I look at it on my wrist. “I’ll never take it off.”

Chapter two


Iwakeupfartoo early. It’s still dark outside, but my internal clock thinks it’s already seven in the morning. I quietly use the restroom, then tiptoe back to my room to snuggle back into bed. Chrissy told me to pick a place to eat for lunch, so I pull out my phone to research the best places to eat near Columbus Falls.

After about twenty minutes, I’ve decided on a barbeque place. I hear someone in the kitchen, so I put on my robe and shuffle out of my room to investigate.

Sarah is there, starting a pot of coffee.

“Why are you up so early?” I ask her.

“My animals wake up with the sun. I have to take care of them.”

“Oh, right. Can I go with you, so I know exactly what to do?”

“Of course,” she says with a yawn.

She presses a button, and the coffee machine starts making magical bean brewing noises.

“I’m going to go change. Did you bring shoes you don’t mind getting messy?” she asks me.

“Nope. Didn’t even think about it.”

“I figured,” she says. “I grabbed you a pair of boots last time I went out. They are under your bed.”

“See, this is why I keep you around. Always looking out for me.”

By the time we are both changed, the coffee is done brewing. We each pour ourselves a cup then sit at the table.

“Are you nervous?” I ask her.

“Not really. I know in my heart that Chris is the one I am meant to be with.”

“No cold feet at all?”

“Nope. If anything, I am just worried about it being too cold,” she says, chuckling.

“Well, you’re having a winter wedding, soooooo…”

“I know. That’s why we are saying our personal vows separately. The ceremony won’t be as long that way.”

“That makes sense.”

“Also, everyone will be given hot hand packs and a larger warm pack they can put in their laps.”

“And I’m wearing thermals under my dress,” I say.

“As long as I can’t see them.” She points her finger at me.

“Don’t worry. I got nude.” I wink at her.