Chapter one


“Istillcan’tbelieveyou are getting married,” I say to my best friend.

“Ditto,” Sarah replies.

I tuck the phone between my ear and shoulder while I fold the clothes that I’m packing. This will be my fourth trip to Montana.

I helped her move there, went for the engagement, for dress fittings, and now I’m going to be her maid of honor.

“Tell me again what is going to happen after I get there.”

I already have the entire schedule memorized, because she sent it to me as a word document. But I can hear the nervousness in her voice, and I know telling me will get some of that out.

“You fly in tomorrow, and we are going to grab lunch before coming back to Columbus Falls. Friday we are going to do one last dress fitting and go to the salon to get manis and pedis. Saturday is rehearsal day, and dinner at Chris’s parents’ house. Sunday is the big day. After the wedding, we leave for our honeymoon!”

“Wait, aren’t we supposed to get wasted at some point? I didn’t see it on the schedule. Figured you probably forgot.”

“Chrissy, I swear if you have a hangover on my wedding day,” she huffs, and I laugh.

“I would never. Calm your tits.”


“Buuuuuut, I want to go to the bar one night,” I say playfully.

“You just want to check out cowboy butts.”

“You know that’s right. Might even rope me in one,” I laugh.

“Oh my gosh Chrissy, you are something else.”

“That’s why you love me.”

“This is true.”

“Make sure you write down everything you need me to do and at what times. I plan to spend lots of time with the ducks, chickens and llamas.”

Sarah’s little farm has grown a lot since Chris gave her those ducklings. I finish putting my clothes in my suitcase, then get an outfit laid out for the morning.

“Don’t worry. I made a schedule for each day.”

“Figured you would. And Chris’s mom is still okay to run the bookstore?”

“Yup. She’s actually really excited about it. She spent all last week with me, so she knows what to do while I am gone.”

“She’s pretty amazing.”

“I agree.”

Sarah really lucked out in the mother-in-law department.

“Oh, actually, Chris mentioned there might be something going on Friday night.”

“Perfect!” I say.

“Eek! I’m just so excited to have you here. One of these days I’m not going to let you go back,” she says.