"So, you tried to bring it to me?" I grab her bent arms at the elbows and bring her towards me.

Her jaw starts to tremble, and a single tear falls from her beautiful eyes. She nods her head.

"I could have bought a new one."

"I didn't really think about that." She laughs causing me to do the same.

"You are something else, Christina."

"I know. Silly."

"No, not silly. Amazing."

I kiss her gently then push her disheveled hair aside.

"I can't go back without you," I tell her.

"I don't want you to go back without me."

"Let's make this happen."

Chapter twenty-seven


Wespendthenextweek packing my apartment. I have to break my lease, which sucks, but Troy told me not to worry about it. He’d already thought about it and set money aside a month ago, just in case. Was there anything this man didn't think of?

We schedule movers and book new flights. I take time with each of my siblings and my parents to say goodbye. Having their support and love has made this decision so much easier. The love I have for this man and the love he has for me has also helped immensely.

We spend our last night in a hotel room before our flight. While Troy is out grabbing us dinner, I call my best friend.

"This is real life, right?" she says and laughs.

"It is, and I can't believe it. Who knew you getting married is what it would take for me to find love?”

"I'm telling you, there is something about these Montana men. They are bred different here."

"I'm going to have to agree with you."

"So, guess what?"

My heart flips a little in my chest because I can only imagine what she is going to say.

"What?" I ask cautiously.

"I stopped by the bank today."

A small gasp fills my lungs.


"You got the job!" she squeals.

"I…what?" I sit up, excitement filling me.

"You got it. The manager position. They are supposed to be calling you tomorrow to tell you, but I had to know. When I went in today to make a deposit I asked if they had picked someone."

"And they just told you?"