"Perfect. I'll email you the info."

I hear my mom call my name from downstairs. She must have gotten up early and made breakfast.

"Sounds good. I gotta go, breakfast is ready."

"I have to go feed my animals, anyways."

"Love you, friend."

"Love you, too. And don't worry. Everything will work out."

By the time I get downstairs, everyone is already around the table and filling their plates.

"Good morning, honey," my mom says.

I slide into my seat at the table and add a few pancakes to my plate then smother them in syrup.

"What happened last night, Chrissy? I saw Dean getting really comfy with his arms around you," Sophia says, as she puts a bite of bacon into her mouth.

"Absolutely nothing. I regret even letting him touch me. I blame the alcohol."

I scootch the food around on my plate and slump into my seat.

"What is it, Chrissy? You have been acting different ever since you got home from Montana."

"Can I talk to you all about something?"

"Yeah, of course," Brittany says, and the rest of them concur.

"You all know that I love you." I look to all my siblings. "And I would do anything for you."

They nod their heads in unison.

"I think I have been living my life based on the fact that you all were here, and I felt like you needed me."

It's silent for a few seconds.

"After yesterday with you graduating and joining the military." I point to James. "Mom and dad wanting to move to Florida." I look to them. "And Sophia, I'm sure you will follow because…Disney." She smirks and nods her head. "And Brittany, you just got that amazing position in Pittsburgh. It just feels like everyone’s moving on with their lives and I'm just...I don't know, stuck."

"Is this because of Sarah?" my mom asks, her voice is low and sympathetic.


"Well, what's the other part?" Sophia asks.

"I met a guy."

I get oooh from all my siblings. "And?" Brittany asks.

"And he lives in Montana. He's Sarah’s husband’s friend. I met him the first time I went there and didn't really care for the guy. But then we spent a week together creating a library room, getting snowed in, and cooking each other meals, I really got to know the real him I think I, umm...I think I'm in love with him."

My heart rate speeds up, and my palms get sweaty. I look to each of my siblings and then my parents. I was worried their faces would show anger, disgust, or frustration but that's not it at all. They are all smiling.

"What's his name?" Brittany asks, her voice is giddy.

"I'll beat his ass if he hurts you," James says.

"Is he a cowboy?" Sophia asks.