"I may just have to talk my husband into moving down there. I wouldn't mind warm winters."

"What about your kids?" I ask her.

She has four kids also. Her youngest graduated last year.

"Oh, they are all grownups. They may think they need me all the time, but they don't. Besides, your mom and I could do weekend trips to Disney."

Her eyes light up, and I laugh.

"That would be fun."

"Darn right it would be. It was fun when I took all four kids down there. It will just be a different kind of fun without them."


"Well sweetie, I am going to go see if your mom needs help in the kitchen before this party really gets started."

"Okay. Talk to you later."

Cheryl joins my mom in the kitchen while I walk onto the front porch and breathe in the cool air.

I stare up into the cloudless sky and wrap my arms around myself. I feel like everyone’s leaving me. I have stayed for them, and now, they are all leaving.

"Ugh," I say as I turn around and go back into the house to grab a drink.

A very stiff drink.

The party is in full swing by nine, and after four of those whiskey sours, I am feeling damn good. I join the giant group of people that are dancing in the living room. I let my hips move with the sound of the music while my arms float above my head.

I lose myself, letting every worry float off me. Not caring anymore, at least for the night.

Then I feel warmth spread from my waist to my stomach, it spreads across my back and onto the side of my face.

"You look beautiful tonight." The whisper in my ear sends shivers down my spine. But not in the same way Troy’s does.

I put my hand on the ones that are spread across my stomach and the other around the nape of his neck. He sways his body with mine. His excitement is hard against my lower back.

As the song comes to an end I spin around, my eyes landing on those of a man I was not expecting.

"Dean, what are you doing here?"

I haven't seen Dean Hagger since the summer after graduation. He broke up with me right before he left for college.

"My sister graduated," he smiles at me. I used to love his smile.

My hand flies to my mouth. I had completely forgotten he had a sister in the same grade as James.

"Right. Ha! I knew that." I take a step back out of his hold. My hands come together in front of me.

"Wanna dance again?" he asks and takes my hand, lifting it to his mouth and kissing my knuckles.

That's Troy's hand, I think as I pull it back, making Dean laugh.

"Come on, Chrissy for old times sake. I'm only here for one night."

He may be a hell of a man to look at but nothing else about him makes me want him.

"I can't."