I press my lips to hers, hoping she feels the pull of my heart and realizes she holds it firmly in her hands.

She takes a step back, and I let go of her. She grabs the handle of her luggage before looking at me one last time.

"Thank you, Troy. For making this week the most amazing one I have had in a long time."

"I was happy to do it. And maybe I should be the one thanking you. You challenged me when I didn’t even know I needed it."

"Goodbye, Troy."

"Goodbye, Christina."

Then she turns, pulling her luggage behind her into the airport.

"I love you," I whisper before getting back in my truck and driving home.


"Thank you," I say to the flight attendant as she hands me earbuds so I can watch the movie.

I settle into my seat. I open the window shade, but all I can see is land. I don't know what I was expecting. I slide my earbuds in my ears, lay my head back against the seat and close my eyes. I don't want to think about not only having to leave my best friend, but having to leave Troy.

After twenty minutes of sitting at the end of the runway, we take off. I glance out of the window and watch as the scattered towns become nothing more than little spots. Then they disappear as we get into the clouds. I wipe away a lone tear and close the slider on the window a little too hard.

The sound catches the attention of the woman, who's probably in her early forties, sitting next to me. Her eyes widen when I look at her, and concern sweeps across her face.

"Are you okay?" she asks me.

"Oh, um, yeah."

"I think that window would disagree."

"I was here for my best friend’s wedding. Leaving is hard."

"Ah. Okay, you don't have to tell me."

She opens her word search book and proceeds to do it. I twist my fingers in my lap. What would be the harm in telling her? She doesn't know me or him or the situation. I could get an outsider’s opinion.

"Actually," I say.

She closes the book and slips it in the pocket of the seat in front of her then she turns to look at me.

"There's this guy. I never really liked him. He always came across so cocky..."

I go on and on. From the first time we met up, everything he did to change my mind about him, everything. I explain why I walked away from him at the airport. Why I didn’t jump in his arms and agree to stay. Why I can’t leave my family.

"I had to cry in the bathroom before checking in for my flight."

I put my hands over my face and shake my head.

"It sounds to me like you have a very hard decision to make."

"Is it though? I won't leave my family. They mean to much to me. There are other men out there."

I choke on the words and have to clear my throat a few times. While it was true—there are other men out there—I can’t even bring myself to contemplate anyone else. What does that even mean?

"True, but have you ever connected with someone like this before?" she asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.
