“You do?”

“Yup. Whenever Sarah would get something, she inevitably asked me to put it together for her.”

He nods his head while running his hand over his chin.

“I’ve made 90% of the furniture that is in my house,” he says.

Of course, he has. What hasn’t this guy done? I roll my eyes and walk over to the window seat and look out at the bright glistening snow.

“What? Did I say something to offend your highness?”

He walks up next to me, and I close my eyes. I count to ten in my mind letting out a slow steady breath. I turn my head to look at him. His smile is hitched to one side. Smug arrogant smile, that it is. I’m not sure I have been this close to him. He is only a couple of inches taller than me.

Being 5’9 has its advantages, don’t get me wrong, but it also has its disadvantages, especially in the boyfriend department. Why do men always seem to go for the girls that are 5’5 and under? Does it make them feel better being that much taller than her?

“You’re fine. I need to eat some lunch first.”

“I ordered pizza; it should be here any minute.”

Just as he finishes the sentence, the doorbell rings.

“Ah yes, I can smell the pineapple already,” he says as he leaves to answer the door.

Pineapple.He likes pineapple pizza?I huff out a breath.

I lovepineapplepizza.

Chapter eight


Igrabsomepaperplates and two bottles of water on my way back to the room.

“I only ordered pineapple. I hope you’re okay with that?” I ask Chrissy as I walk in.

“Yeah, no, that’s fine. I actually really like pineapple on my pizza.”

I nod my head a few times, hand her a paper plate and a bottle of water. We sit in the center of the room and devour the whole large pizza.

“Oh God, I’m so full,” I tell her.

I grab the plates and put them into the pizza box before I stand to throw it away.

“You’re full of something, alright,” I hear her say under her breath while I exit the room.

I take a minute in the kitchen. Why did I ask her to build this with me?

When I walk back in, Chrissy has the desk box open and is laying out all the parts in a row.

“Now it’s my turn. What are you doing?” I ask her.

“I like to lay everything out in order. That way, one, you know if you have everything and two, it makes it easy to put together when you already have what is coming next laid out.”

I nod my head. “Smart.”

And she was right. Thankfully, we had all the pieces we needed so it took less than an hour to put together. And when I say we, it was more her building it and me handing her what she needed.

I wasn’t about to complain, though. Watching her build it was hot.