I laugh. I don’t know how many times she has rolled her eyes at me since being here, but it’s becoming cute.

“We have been making bookshelves for the spare room. He wants me to paint, put the bookshelves in, decorate. Essentially, transform the room into a small library while they are gone.”

“Wow. Sarah is going to love that.”

“I hope so. We have been working on these for a couple of months. Grayson wanted them in a very specific way. I’m also adding a window bench and a small writing desk.”

“Sounds like quit the undertaking.”

“Yeah. But Chris is one of my best friends, and I would do just about anything for him. Besides, I love working with wood, so it was actually really fun to do.”

“That’s sweet of you. Didn’t know you could be nice.”

I grip the steering wheel with one hand and lean toward her as we come to a stop at the end of the off ramp.

“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me,” I say looking at her.

She rolls her eyes again. I may have heard them this time.

Chapter seven


There’salotofthings I don’t know, huh? That’s what Troy told me yesterday before he dropped me off at the house. That sounds more like a challenge to me.

I get the morning chores done, careful not to step on any duck eggs. Thankfully yesterday was warm enough that the roads cleared off. So I go into town to see how the bookstore is doing and if there is anything Chris’s mom needs help with.

As I pull into the space in front of the bookstore, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride. I am so proud of my friend and what she has accomplished since being here.

The bell over the door dings as I enter. Chris’s mom walks out from the back.

“Good morning, Mrs. Olsen,”I say to her, waving my hand.

“Good morning, Chrissy.”

I go over to the coffee bar to pour myself a cup. I empty in a couple sugar packets and make my way to the counter.

“Is there something I can help you with?” she asks me.

“Nope. I actually came here to ask you the same question.”

We both laugh.

“Sarah left me a very well laid out agenda, so I think I have it under control.”

“Oh good. I just wanted to check. I don’t have much else to do.”

“Why don’t you grab a book and relax?”

Sit and read? I haven’t done that since I was a teenager.

“You know what, that’s a great idea.”

“The used books are that way.” She points to the wall down the small hall. “You can leave it here on the counter when you are done.”

“Perfect. Thank you.”

I walk over to the used books and skim the titles. Sarah got me into reading romance when we were freshmen. We were a bit young, but I turned out alright. If anything, my standards for men are probably above average…or maybe unrealistic. I chuckle at the thought.