“Do you want to come in?” I ask her.

“Not really.”

“They usually have babies of some sort in there.”

She stares out of the windshield. I can see the wheels turning in her head, then the corner of her mouth hitches up slightly.

“Okay. But only because of the babies.”


We walk inside and right in the front there are big silver tubs of baby chickens, baby ducks, and a few baby pigs.

I think I hear her squeal when she jets in front of me to look at them.

“I’m going to go grab the horse supplies. I’ll be right back.”

She shoos me away with her hand without turning her head. I go to the back of the store to pick up my mom’s order. As I walk to the front, I can see Chrissy. She is now leaning over into the tub with the baby pigs. She radiates happiness as she watches and pets the piglets. I walk into an aisle and peek around the corner. I know once she sees me that joy will go away. I wish I knew why she hates me so much.

Hopefully, this week I can show her that I’m not that bad. And that whatever she thinks of me isn’t who I truly am. I have a lot to do in Chris’s house while they are gone, so she’s going to be seeing me, often.

After a few more minutes, I walk to her and lightly touch her shoulder. She looks up at me and for a slight second, I can see the twinkle of joy in her eyes before my appearance squashes it. I try not to let the disappointment seep into my facial expressions.

“You ready?” I ask her.

She reaches in one more time and scratches the hiney of one piglet. Then she stands and strides out of the store to the truck.

“Is there anywhere else you want to go while we are in town?” I ask her as I buckle in.

“I don’t think so.”


Fifteen minutes into our drive back to Columbus Falls, I can’t stand the silence anymore. The music is on but that’s not the same.

“So, what do you do in Pittsburgh?”

“I’m a bank manager.”

“Nice. You like doing that?”

“Yeah. I worked my butt off to get the position.”

“Do you have any siblings?”

“Yes. I am the oldest of four. Two sisters and a brother.”

“Oh wow, big family.”

She nods her head. I need to keep her talking.

“Did Chris mention the project he has been working on for Sarah? The one I am supposed to finish while they are away?”

“He didn’t.” Her brows pinch together, and she looks at me. “What is it?”

“Oh gosh. If he didn’t tell you, maybe I shouldn’t either.”

“Really?” She cocks her head and rolls her eyes.