“Bye, Lenard.” I wave as he drives away. I am going to miss that old man.

I grab the things I need from the store and go back to my campsite. I spend the rest of the day taking one more walk along the river’s edge, collecting a few more smooth rocks, and giving the inside of my Jeep a good cleaning and pack everything. I open my tent for my last night here, and as I am getting comfortable, I can hear the hoot of an owl off in the distance.

I have always known owls to symbolize knowledge and transformation. So it’s fitting that I would hear one the night before I leave.





When I walk into work, I see Gennie behind the bar, turning liquor bottles so all the labels face the same way.

“You working, Gennie?” I ask, teasing.

“Why, yes actually I am...”

My brows pinch together, and my head pulls back. “You are?”

“Riley needed the night off, so I figured I would get some things done before we open.”

“Ummm, is she okay?”

“I suppose so. I didn’t ask questions. Sometimes people just need a night.”

“Yeah. I guess.”

She’s never missed a night before, and she always seemed to love being at work. I hope she isn’t avoiding me after what happened last night.

Last night…it was…amazing. The connection I felt with her was a light that reached even the smallest corners of my soul that I never knew needed the suns touch. I need her in my life and that’s all there is to it.

At 5:00 Lenard walks in with a young lady on his arm.

“Hey Gray, this is my niece, Beth. She is visiting for the next week.”



I reach out to shake Beth's hand.

“Hi, I’m Grayson.” Her head dips down, she looks at me through her long lashes as she tucks her blonde hair behind her ear.

“Hi.” she says in a low, sweet voice.

She’s the type of girl I usually go for. Long blonde hair, tight shirt with a swirl of western bling, tight blue jeans, and boots that look like they have never seen a day of work. A few weeks ago, she might’ve interested me, but I definitely can’t go down that road again.

“Can I get you something to drink?”

“Sure, ummm, can I get a White Claw?”

“Absolutely.” I look to Lenard. “Jack and Coke?” He nods.

I never understood the draw to these hard seltzers. If T.V. static had a taste, hard seltzer would be it.

I grab their drinks and go about my business. I try to keep my mind off of Riley and if she is feeling ok. Maybe I can bring her some comfort food tomorrow.