I climb the steps to my tent and change.

“I also brought sunblock,” I hear him say

“Oh, perfect. I didn’t even think of that.”

Once I change, I climb back down and see that Grayson is ducked down into his car. I put my water shoes on, gather the things I need locked up and make my way to him.

He stands as I get there, he’s taken his shirt off and his trunks ride to right above where that V probably meets. The tattoos on his arms cover his shoulder and one travels to his chest.

“You’re staring.”

I jerk my head up and my eyes find his. He pulls in his bottom lip, and I am pretty sure I am going to need to take a dip in the river before this adventure even begins.

“Am not.” I snap.


I hand him my things, and he locks the doors. I shake off the feeling of wanting to ride his waves instead of the rivers.Wait,do rivers have waves?

The next three hours go by in a flash. It was the most fun I have had in a long time. We shared a raft with four other people, and we all had paddles we had to use when we went through rapids. I may have snuck a few peaks of Grayson when he helped paddle.

Watching all the muscles in his back flex with each stroke.



Whenever the river was calm, we jumped out and floated on our backs, alongside the rafts. Grayson stood on the edge and back flipped into the river, which, of course, everyone cheered about.

But it was when his head popped back up above the surface that I noticed a genuine smile on his face. Yeah, I’ve seen him smile before, but today he was having fun and living life to the fullest.

Grayson and I are soaked from the rapids as we shuffle onto the bus, sitting in the first available seat.

“I feel silly asking you if you had fun, because I’m not sure you quit smiling for three hours, but did you?” he asks

“Oh, my gosh, Grayson. That was exhilarating. Thank you so much.”

“It was my pleasure.” he says and puts his hand on my knee. I look at his hand, gentle sitting, and then find his eyes. As blue as the water we were just in. I give him a small smile, put my head on his shoulder and before too long, the motion of the bus rocked me to sleep.

Chapter Thirteen


RILEY AND I SPENT the rest of Wednesday being lazy. I ordered a pizza; we took the chairs down to the riverbank, drank beer and talked until the sun went down.

The next two days compromised of lying around in bed, eating leftovers, and watching old movies by myself. Also, letting Sharkbait in to eat and out to explore. I’m not saying he’s using me for food, but I’m feeling like this relationship is very one sided.

It’s back to the grind for the next few days, though. At least I’ll have Riley as company during the slow times.

I walk into the bar and see that Riley is already here, wiping tables. Her red hair is split down the middle and braided. Each one falling over a shoulder. As if she could get any cuter, she has a blue plaid button up on that she tied high on her waist, cut off jean shorts that barely cover her amazing ass and…

“Excuse me, Munchkin, are those cowboy boots you have on?”

“Why yes they are. I went to that little thrift store a few doors down and found a few really cute outfits to wear.” she looks down at the brown and teal boots and shakes her foot. “And these adorable boots.”