Page 87 of Reborn a Queen

Chapter 33


I’dwokenupveryearly for the past few days, tossing and turning in my bed. And she was the first thing, the first person I thought about. She was also the last thought before I finally found sleep each night.

I couldn’t get her out of my mind.

Couldn’t get over what Seb yelled to each of us and I was mindful that Lacey didn’t give any grumbles about Seb. She never did, and maybe she’d seek him out when she calmed down and be exclusive with him.

But something inside me was telling me she was mine.

She ignored us in class and Carter said she hadn’t turned up at ballet. That was the biggest surprise because she loved it and I thought she’d have gone, regardless. She was also back to roaring around on her bike and that was a worry because the winter weather was harsh.

I’d seen her with Jack a few times around the university and I could tell Jack knew what had gone on. He’d smirked at me on more than one occasion, and one of these days I was going to smash my fist in his face—it was long overdue.

I’d been walking around in the rain outside her apartment block for thirty minutes. It was the second time this week, and this time I was going to go further than the last. I pushed my sodden hair off my face and walked to her door.

Taking in deep breaths, I rose my hand and rang the bell on the external door. Would she take the apology for what it was or turn it against me? I deserved it if she did, but I still had to do it.

“Hello.” Lacey’s sweet voice came through the system a few seconds later.

“Hi… it’s Kane,” I said. It was almost a whisper.

“Oh… mm… what do you want?”

“To talk to you.”


“I’d prefer to tell you to your face.”

She sighed. It was audible over the loudspeaker. “I’ll be a minute.”

“Thanks,” I said softly and tapped the toe of my boots against the wall.

Only a few minutes later, I watched as she stared at me as she walked to the main door of the dorms. Dressed in patterned yoga leggings and a T-shirt, her hair tied up in a high ponytail, and she still looked like the hottest girl on the campus. I’d always thought she was.

I gave her a weak smile, and she gave me one back. She pulled open the door, her eyes raised, but she said nothing.

“I’m sorry,” I said, exhaling slowly. Raindrops dripping from my hair. Her eyes scanned over my T-shirt and back to my face.

“Sorry? What for?”

I glanced at her tongue as it skimmed her bottom lip, her eyes fixed on mine.

“Upsetting you, for being an idiot…” I said with a stutter. “Everything.”

“You've already apologised but why were you like that with me?”

“To protect me. Because I knew we didn’t connect like the others,” I said, hating the vulnerability in my voice. Nobody had ever made me feel this way before. Nobody had made me want them like Lacey did. Not just want, it was a need.

She pursed her lips for a moment, and said, “you didn’t give us a chance to connect. You kept me at a distance.”

I closed my eyes and nodded, slowly opening them to look back at her.

She smiled, her eyes sparkled as she looked at me. “Kane, I hate you never gave us a chance. And maybe after calling me princess a while ago, I didn’t give you one.” She blinked her eyes, holding them closed for a few seconds. “I hated it at first. I know I have Clay but in reality, I have nobody, just me and my memories and every time you called me it, it made me realise how alone I was.” Her eyes glistened as she spoke. “But one day, it didn’t hurt me because I liked the thought of us being together and I felt like I might end up part of a family again. Fucked up as it was.” She laughed.

I swallowed as our eyes locked together. It felt like the moment lasted for all eternity.