Page 73 of Reborn a Queen

“I’m surprised the leaders let me attend the university,” I said.

“They had no choice. Clay wanted you to have a life, and he believes you’re already strong enough to fight without your magic and with the help of your Knights,” Carter said and sighed. “I know you think Clay keeps going against you, but he was trying to give you a little normality in your life before it changes again.”

“Because one day it will change. The day you lead us in the war.” Ryan said.

“The war between the kingdoms?” I queried.

Ryan sighed. “I don’t know why you think it will be between the kingdoms. We hope all the kingdoms will come together as one realm if the day arises. The Dark and Light Faes have given their guarantee already,” Ryan said.

“Ryan is the font of all knowledge, as you’ve probably realised,” Kane said and smiled.

I laughed, then blew out a breath as I thought about this evening, the things they were saying. Wondering when my life changed. I knew one day I’d be a Queen. That wasn’t a surprise, but everything else was new. The demon gave me a choice and I should have asked what it meant if I picked the Dark King.

“We knew the Dark King would send someone around the time of your birthday,” Seb said.

I shrugged my shoulders. “To kill me?”

“Lacey, your magic is light and works quickly,” Carter said. “His magic is dark and works slowly. He will want you out of the way and the quicker you’re stopped, the more powerful the Dark King becomes. That’s how I can help you—I’m your chosen one.”

Grunts breathed through the air.

“What does he look like? The man in your dreams, I mean.” Seb asked as I thought of Carter’s words.

I shrugged my shoulders. “I can never remember. He’s a shadow. I see him smile, but not his face.”

I wanted to ask more about the Dark King, but what? I spun to Carter. “My chosen one,” I said with raspy breath.

Carter smiled. “That’s because you’re mine, Lacey.”

“That’s not entirely true,” Ryan interrupted.

I turned to Ryan, waiting for more information, but it didn’t matter. I was picking who I wanted to be with.

“Ryan, not yet,” Carter said.

I sighed. “And Ryan, Seb and Kane, how do they fit into this?” I asked.

“They are Knights,” Carter said.

I laughed lightly. “Knights…”

“Yes, we each have our own skills. Skills which will become more important in the future,” Carter continued.

I shook my head. “Our kingdom thinks four Knights are enough?”

Ryan cleared his throat and said, “you have more Knights than you realise. They’re all living normal lives until the day they’re needed. But they picked us for a different reason.”

Carter coughed, Ryan hesitated and glared at Carter for a moment, and started speaking again. “It’s the same with the other kingdoms, their King’s have Knights. You’ve seen the Light and Dark Faes around the campus. Their body build is the clue… some will go on and protect Gray Trent, the King of the Faes. Also, the Vampires, though their look and build, are a lot like humans. Carter could be a vampire, for instance, with his black hair and grey eyes.”

“Don’t fucking say that. I’m not a vamp,” Carter hissed.

“Yeah, I’ve noticed,” I said and sat back and stared at Carter, flitting my gaze left to right as I searched his eyes. Were they vampire like?

“I think you’ve been told enough for now,” Carter said. “You really should rest.”

My eyes raised, and I looked around at each of them. “If any of you are deceiving me and turn out to be a vampire, Iwillkill you myself.”

Seb and Kane roared with laughter.