Page 63 of Reborn a Queen

Blake smiled. “You can’t make noises like that and have me dreaming of what other noises you’d make. Because I just know they are going to sound just as wonderful.”

I shook my head and laughed. “You two are villainous.”

“Or adorable.”

I smiled from one to the other.

“Deplorable,” I said and laughed. “You’re like two horny teenagers.”

“We were teenagers only two years ago.” Blake took a mouthful of his steak and winked.

I’d forgotten Polly said they were older. I wondered if it was the reason Carter and Kane had a hang-up about them. More likely, it was because of me. Then again, maybe not Kane. Who knew what the guy thought?

“Thank you for lunch,” I said as the server took our plates away.


“No thanks, I should let you get to the library.” I dug my hand into my coat pocket and took out my purse.

“No, we’ve got this,” Jack said. He laid his hand over mine and shook a credit card in front of me. “We invited you.”

“Yeah, but…”

“No.” He jumped up and went to the counter, not waiting for the bill to arrive.

“Thank you both. That was lovely,” I said when he returned.

Jack wiggled his eyebrows. “Come back to ours. We’ll show you just how nice we can be.”

“Thanks for the kind offer, but I don’t want to be blamed for you failing to become a doctor.” I smiled because today, something clicked and I realised I was closer to my decision. Jack and Blake nearly won me over. If only I hadn't seen the picture of the girl who obviously still held a piece of their hearts.

Sighing at that realisation. I stood up and put my coat on, readying myself for the cold winter air. Luckily, today was a dry day, but the temperature was a little lower and chillier each day.

“We could have you moved in by the weekend,” Blake said.

I winked. “Eager to get the friends with benefits going?”

“It would be more than friends with benefits.” Jack licked his lips.


“Yes,” Blake said, standing and shrugging his knee-length charcoal coloured coat over his shoulders.

I turned my palms to face the ceiling, pushing them out to the side, waiting for the rest.

“I’m saying it would be more than friends,” Blake added.

“You mean I’d have two boyfriends?”

“Yes, two lovers,” Jack said. “But more again.”

And now the offers were both well and truly on the table. I didn’t reply to Jack, but I put on a smile because I knew everything changed the moment I saw the other girl’s face in the picture in their apartment and I didn’t want to be a substitute. Didn’t want to be anyone’s second choice.

I stood and stared into space outside the restaurant, thinking about her face. Thinking of their reaction to me seeing her and the obvious annoyance between Jack and Blake that they’d left it in view. They must have seen the stunned look on my face. I suppose my words told them everything, but their words told me more. I exhaled loudly as I thought about what that really meant.

They stayed inside, and I turned back, glancing inside to see they were deep in conversation. Jack pointed a finger as he raised his voice to Blake. Blake said something back and a look of annoyance flashed between them.

I sighed and turned away, feeling a chill settle on my neck, but I knew this time it was from the cold winter air, and I raised my hands to unfold the collar of my coat. I stared at the road again, sucked in a breath as a car drove by and briefly locking eyes with Kane. It was only a moment, but I saw his face was red and his lips grimaced in a tight line.