Page 50 of Reborn a Queen

The payback was definitely worth it.

I rushed out a breath, waiting.

“Too far, Aurora Lace. Too fucking far,” Carter roared. Using my full name as I used to hear it when I was being chastised by my father.

My eyes widened, and Jack tugged my arm, pulling me behind him. I glanced at Blake as he stepped to my side, placing his hand on my back. His fingertips slowly traced my spine, my body tingled.

“Fuck off Carter. I told you, she’s mine now,” Jack said. His voice was calm and low and as he kept me directly behind him, I knew he wasn’t concerned about the confrontation.

“Yours and his, you mean. Let her go, or you’ll regret it,” Carter spat.

Blake chuckled. I glanced at him. He rose one shoulder casually in response and smiled.

Jack stepped one foot forward, his face into Carter’s as the two of them glared at each other. Carter’s face had turned a shade of crimson, his eyes as dark and fluid as swirling black ink. He looked different, nothing like I’d ever remembered. Maybe a demon or possibly this was where the man in my dreams had been hiding, tucked away, laughing, and right in front of me all along.

It can't be him—can it?

“Come with me,” Carter said, his eyes pleaded with me.

Blake growled next to me. I smiled at his rumble.

“No, I’m enjoying myself,” I said. Yeah, it had gotten rather heated, but I was enjoying myself. I’d never felt so wanted before. There was a carnal desire that had built up between the three of us and as much as I thought I didn’t want it.Wow, I think I did.

“Lacey… they use girls for threesomes, don’t do it. It won’t be love Lacey, it’ll only be sex.”

I sighed.

“It wouldn’t be like that, Lacey,” Blake whispered into my ear.

But I knew they were into that. Regardless of what Blake said, they’d alluded to it before now themselves. And tonight, they sandwiched me between them, letting me know what was next. Would I have allowed it? It was getting there, but as much as my pants were definitely soaking wet and the idea obviously didn’t repulse me, I didn’t want to become girl number whatever next.

Carter looked at me, his eyes widened as he silently pleaded and I realised this wasn’t about getting back with me. He was here because he cared. I strolled to the chair, picked up my bag, and turned.

Blake stood in front of me, held my arms and whispered, “don’t leave Lacey.”

“I have to.” The words came out, but it was as though I had to drag each one.

“Just be mine. Nobody else, just you and me,” Blake said.

“Blake…” His name came out as a murmur.

“Lacey.” Carter’s voice broke into my thoughts. “Believe nothing they say. You can ask questions at uni what their preferences are if you don’t believe me.”

“You fucking dickhead,” Blake yelled and ran at Carter, with his arm raised and his hand in a solid fist.

Jack’s arm stopped him. “Don’t do it, he isn’t worth it.”

I strode to Blake, putting my arm around his waist. “Don’t do anything stupid, Blake,” I whispered and gazed into his pale blue eyes.

Blake’s mouth went to open. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and stared.

Jack joined me, resting his hand on my back. “Lacey, what he said isn’t true. It wouldn’t be a one-night thing. We want you for the long term.”

Blake glanced from me to Jack, flashing a look of annoyance at his friend. He sighed. “We were hoping you’d agree to be our girl and come and live with us,” Blake said and leaned into my ear and whispered, “but you’d be mine, not Jack’s.”

“Oh.” I hesitated, looking at Blake and then at Jack. “I’ll have a think about it.”

“No, she fucking won’t,” Carter growled and stormed over to me, picking me up as though I weighed nothing, and threw me over his shoulder.