Page 26 of Reborn a Queen

“Sod off.” I laughed and threw a pillow at him, then straddled his body. I paused for a moment, smiled, licking across my hand, taking his sweet but a little salty cum with my tongue and moved to kiss him, swiping my tongue across his lips.

“You’re hot, you turn me on so much.” He grinned and flipped me onto my back.

I smiled at his comment because he was gorgeous and had to know how hot he was, but was giving me compliments. He lowered and kissed me. His lips didn’t crash into mine. No, they landed with softness, and his tongue slicked along my lips. He sucked gently on my bottom lip. I felt a quiver in my belly as his tongue pressed on mine and he deepened the kiss.

“You’re mine,” he groaned.

“One night doesn’t make me yours,” I said and smiled as I thought of it. He stared, his mouth slightly parted. “However, that tongue and those fingers of yours are special. Even if I need to keep it to myself.”

There was something about him, a link of some sort between us, and I felt it at each glance we made to each other last night. “Especially the bit about helping to wank you off.”

He broke into a fit of laughter and I stared at him. He was so sexy when he smiled, but there was something about the way he looked at me, as though he could see my soul.

“Maybe you could treat me on my birthday every year.”

He glanced at me with a startled look. “I won’t be able to wait that long. Get dressed, I’ll take you for a coffee,” he said, brushing off the comment.

Chapter 10


ItwasMondaymorningand I rode my new bike into the university car park, the long way.

I picked up my motorbike on Saturday and took it for a ride a few times over the weekend, and each time I rode it, I felt the freedom it gave me, it made me feel as free as dancing and I thought nothing could make me feel like that.

I bought the bike for my eighteenth birthday and although I wanted a larger engine than the bike I bought, unfortunately when I tried to order a Ducati SuperSport, the garage informed me I couldn’t ride that size bike on my current licence so I ordered the black Yamaha vibrating between my leather-clad thighs.

Though as wonderful as it was, it was still not as exhilarating as the feeling I got from my birthday orgasms. The ones I still couldn’t get out of my head.

Or was it Seb I kept thinking of?

The route I took this morning took me away from the campus and I loved it as I wound through the adjoining villages, but it also meant I was a little late. Not that it bothered me and I could have ridden the bike all day, but unfortunately, I had to try at university and today was the day I promised Clay I would start studying hard—especially after my failed attempt last week.

After parking my bike next to a couple of others in the car park and giving a slight sigh, I turned off the engine. Flung one straddled leg over the seat, stood tall and gazed at my bike. “Thanks for the ride.”

I ran my teeth over my bottom lip as I thought about my uncle because once he found out I’d bought a motorbike; he was going to give birth to a kitten. I grinned at the thought, because he strictly forbade me when I mentioned it to him during our last conversation. He wanted me to take my father’s Porsche Cayenne, which remained in the garage at home, but that wasn’t me. A bike meant I could have the freedom I craved.

“You need a name.” I patted my bike and turned, seeing a few people staring out of the windows. It seemed my bike had caused quite a stir.

I didn’t remove my helmet as I walked to the building. But feeling a heavy stare on me, I glanced to a window and noticed one person looking my way. He gave a weird smile, more a grimace. My shoulder raised as frigid fingers slithered down my spine.

There was something off about him, like a Light Fae with his white hair and pale eyes, but he wasn’t a Light Fae because they had a calmness about them and known as one of the gentler kingdoms, which differed from their Dark Fae cousins. At least until they shifted, but up to now that hadn’t been a problem.

But whatever this thing was, he was different and his aura was off, or was it mine?

I glanced at him once more; he smirked as I walked to the university doors and I turned away from him, ignoring the encounter and walked into the building, taking off my helmet as I strolled down the corridor to room number four. The hair on my neck rose again as I opened the door to the large lecture theatre. I ran my hand over my neck and twisted back into the corridor.

But nobody was there.

Brushing it off, I opened the door again, glanced around the room and it was so full, but luckily, the class hadn’t started. I looked around before sneaking into the crowded room.

"Lacey." I stopped climbing the stairs and glanced around. “Lacey.” I heard again and twisted to the voice. It was Carter. One side of his lip turned up as he patted the seat next to him. My eyes averted to the left of Carter, I felt him staring before my eyes met the moody one of Carter’s friends, the one Polly claimed didn’t kiss.

I looked left again and saw the cute one, but he didn’t see me as his head was inside his book, and now I couldn’t help but wonder where Seb was. I hadn’t seen him since last week but hadn’t stopped thinking about him because he stirred up something in me and I was a little scared to think about it.

I glanced at Carter and shook my head.

“Lacey.” I spun to Polly’s voice. She waved and then curled her finger for me to sit with her.