Page 138 of Reborn a Queen

“I’ll miss you,” I said and turned to Yuri. “And you.”

Yuri smiled.

“I don’t want you to go. Your parents...” Clay said.

My eyes and shoulders dropped in a swift motion. I jerked just as quick and interrupted him, “Don’t stop them because...”

“Shush, Lacey. You’re tired, close your eyes and go to sleep.”

I was feeling tired. No, I needed to see Carter. I tried to move, but my body wouldn’t go anywhere. I felt heavy, my eyes felt heavy, and blackness loomed.

I jerked my eyes open again.

The sound of Clay’s voice was weaker, more distant. His hand stroked my hair. “Sleep... go to sleep... shush my princess.”

The knock at the door was hard and loud. I jolted awake and realised I’d fallen asleep on the sofa. Shit, I wondered how long Carter waited up for me. I knew I was tired, but not enough to not see him.

Seeing Clay and Yuri, both waking up in separate chairs. We’d all fallen asleep.

I still felt tired, but my unsteady legs took me to the door first. Opening it gradually and seeing two police officers standing looking forlorn when I expected to see Carter.

“Can we speak to Clayton Summer please?”

“Yes, wait a minute.” I shut the door and called Clay to the door. Yuri had already stood behind me.

“Can I help you?” Yuri asked.

“Can we speak with Clayton Summer?” the police officer replied.


I thought that was excessive. The police officers would have gone through this at the front gate already. They also wore the badge of the kingdom, but still Yuri took each of the metal badges and ran a scanner over the bar readers. He looked both men up and down and ran his scanner in front of them. “Come in.”

The first officer looked at me and then at Clay. “There has been an accident.” He looked at me again and sighed as he looked back at Clay. “It’s your brother and his wife.”

“My parents?” I whispered as silent tears rolled down my cheeks. “Are they in hospital?”

“Was it a car accident?” Clay asked. He draped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me to him.

“Yes, it was and I’m very sorry, Miss Summer...”

A vice in my chest tightened to a grip that flattened my lungs and took every inch of air from me, but no sounds came from my mouth.

“We need for you to identify the body before we can vanish them.”

I gasped. My chest loosened a small amount, but the ache in my rib cage still seized me like a highly wound elastic band. “Me?”

“No Lacey, I’ll do it,” Clay said.

“I want to come with you.” I tried to say it stronger, but the sobs became louder and ragged.

“I can take you to my home. Margot can take care of you," Clay pushed.

The tears rolled down my face, and I shook my head, not understanding. It still felt heavy and hurt like hell, probably from all the crying I now found hard to stop.

Clay sighed. “Lacey, you really shouldn’t go. It’s hard to forget.”

It was my parents, what didn't he get about that. “Good. I don’t want to forget.”