Page 108 of Reborn a Queen

“I'm going to warn you, I'm a biter, but not a vampire and when I fuck you, I will be sinking my teeth into your neck,” Seb whispered, leaning into my ear.

He pulled away and I burst out laughing when he gave me a toothy grin. Though the thought still scared me and I rubbed at my chest and caught Kane glancing through the side mirror at me. He gave me a smile, and I returned it.

Totally oblivious, Ryan continued. “The Dark King knows it’s soon. But his powers against you don’t start until he knows who you are. Then once he knows his powers build up as yours do.”

“Culminating in the Great War,” I stated but I still wasn't convinced the Dark King didn't already know who I was. Despite nobody else believing me, I knew it was him but needed to work out why he didn't try to harm me the last time.

“Yes. When all the knights around the world leave to fight the war, and your bound knights will protect you and have your powers on the other side,” Ryan said.

Not wanting to go down the talk of binding. I’d leave that for another time because if what Kane said was right, I now had to fight Clay to keep them as my knights because I didn’t want to start again. I liked them, each of them, and their flaws.

And they seemed okay with mine.

The car finally pulled up to the locked gates with guards patrolling them. The gates led to grounds of Clay’s mansion and my home. I lowered the window and poked my head out. “Hi Marilyn, can we go through, please?”

“Who is with you Miss Summer?”

I pointed at each of the men as I named them. “They should be on your list. Kane, Seb, Ryan, and you know Carter. They are my new knights,” I said and smiled.

She looked at her list, glanced back to me and smiled. “Looks like you got lucky in the knight pool.”

I looked around the car and turned back to her and grinned. “I did, but they are a moody bunch sometimes.”

“Hey,” Seb said, tickling me. “Only Kane is moody, oh and actually, Carter is too.”

“Kane isn’t moody with me, just you,” I said.

“Two weeks, Lacey. Leopards and spots,” Seb whispered as he leaned into my ear.

I smiled at Kane through the side mirror as Marilyn opened the gates and waved us through. And it was only a few minutes later that we parked the car outside the doors of Clay’s stately home and they quickly ushered us inside. It was like a military operation. They took me away from my knights and to my uncle as each of the guys were identified—or at least that’s what I assumed.

After the long walk down the hallway, gazing at the expensive artwork on the walls as I contemplated what I'd say to Clay. The guard opened the door to the office. Clay sat at a large ornate desk with fancy wooden legs and leather bound top, his chair matched the leather of the desk.

I'd spent many a day sitting in this room. Lounging on the large sofa as I talked to Clay when I came to visit. Normally those visits coincided with my father being a stickler with training and I'd disappear and seek solace with Clay. Clay understood me and he thought my father went too far with my training. Although, thinking about the recent clash with the demon, I understood why my dad was so strict.

I stepped inside and smiled at the man in front of me. Clay raised from his chair and strolled towards me, a broad smile on his face.

“I’ve missed you, Lacey,” he said, and I’m sure I caught a tear in his eye. “I was so frightened to hear someone had hurt you. Show me where you hurt.”

I showed him the bruise up my leg. He ran a gentle finger over it. “We’ll get that sorted for you, now give me a hug.”

“Clay,” I said as I pulled away from his embrace. “I know you’re angry with the guys for letting me get to a point someone got to me, but it wasn’t their fault.”

“Lacey, they had a job to do. They missed the whole point of why we trained them to be knights and they need to be reprimanded,” Clay said. He took my arm and ushered me to a seat.

I gently sat down and glanced at him. “Okay, but don’t take them away from me. I don’t want to start again with new knights.”

“You were failed, Lacey. They forgot what they were there for?” he said.

“I failed too, Clay.”

Clay gazed at me. I watched as his eyes flitted around my face.

“Please, one more chance. I promise they’ll be good knights. I feel it,” I said.

“They need to be better than good. They need to be the best. I picked them because I wanted men closer in age to you, but if I need to, I will bring in an older more experienced set of knights.”

“No,” I said firmly. “I choose these men.”