Page 61 of Reborn a Queen

“Can I trust you both?”

Jack pressed his hand on his chest in a mock-hurt gesture. “It’s only lunch. We can sit in the open and you’ll feel safer from us.”

Chapter 23


“Yes,andthenwe’regoing to the library to finish some work. So we’ll have you back here for two. How does that sound?” Blake said.

“Okay,” I said, finishing my coffee. “Lunch sounds good.”

It was only ten minutes later, and the car stopped in an underground car park.

“I need to get my laptop for the library. Do you want to come up or stay here?” Blake asked, pressing the button to take off his seatbelt and glanced back at me.

“You have an apartment in this complex?” I asked.

“Yeah, student accommodation just doesn’t cut it,” Jack said. “Do you want to see your future home?”

I laughed as I took off my seatbelt. “Why not.”

I was bubbling with anticipation as the lift rose, wondering what their apartment looked like because it was in one of the trendiest parts of town. Even the lift was glamorous, more like a hotel with its royal blue carpet and bronze coloured mirrored walls.

The doors opened, and I strode out, seeing only two doors to choose from. This was definitely going to be swanky.

Blake strode to the door. His toned arse and athletic thighs looked mighty fine in his fitted jeans, and I knew I shouldn’t be looking, because if I was going to have a relationship, it was going to be with Jack. I remembered what Blake said to me over the game of pool, and now I assumed he was trying to diffuse the Carter situation. He flashed his card and pushed into the entrance of the apartment. He stopped and held the door open.

“Thank you, kind sir,” I said and grinned at him as I entered.

He pulled my arm to him. Spinning me, and I stopped in front of him. My eyes widened at the touch of his hand as he widened it on my upper back, pulling me to him. Face to face, our eyes locked and my mouth opened. I wondered briefly what I saw behind them, but as he leaned closer, his tongue teasing on my lips and his hand tracing up my back until it was curled in my hair, pulling me in for a deeper kiss. I forgot what I was thinking.


“That’s what I want you to call me when you’re riding my cock,” he said the moment my eyes opened from the kiss.

I grinned so hard my cheeks ached. “You are optimistic.”

Jack laughed from the chair he had seated himself in and I needed to get away and cool myself down, and I knew Blake needed to do the same thing. I’d felt the enormous bulge as it pressed against me.

“Show me around then,” I said, walking away.

I stared at everything as I wandered around their vast apartment, from the ivory tiled floor to the two black leather sofas that faced each other in the centre of the living area. In between the sofas was a marble-topped coffee table, and an enormous television was on the wall. The kitchen matched the white and black living area. Matte black cabinets on the walls and floor, with brass coloured appliances and handles. An alabaster coloured marble island finished the look and matched the tile of the floor.

“How can two students afford this apartment?” I asked, although I shouldn’t as I could afford it. I just choose not to. Well, actually uncle Clay decided I had to live in student accommodation, though now according to Carter he wanted me to live with him.

“The joys of the trust fund, Sunshine,” Jack said.

My heart thumped in my rib cage. I slowly turned my face to his, flitting my eyes from him to Blake and wondering if they knew it was my secret nickname. He cleared his throat and I let it go.

“Let me show you the bedrooms.” Jack waved a hand toward a hallway.

After seeing the guys’ bedrooms, Jack pulled the handle down on the last door. It opened, and it was another large master with an en-suite. And a king-sized bed and the usual luxuries I came accustomed to seeing around this wonderful apartment.

“This would be your bedroom,” Jack said. “Are you tempted?”

I am.

“So, are you going to consider moving in with us?” Blake asked. He passed a quick glance at Jack.