Page 5 of Reborn a Queen

I should have listened to my head, but I had to see it one more time and embed his deception in my brain. That way I couldn’t forget it even if I tried. But this time, instead of watching Carter, I studied her face; her hollowed cheeks, her wanton gaze and at her long nails as they dug deep into my boyfriend’s powerful thighs.

He thrust harder, and I smirked as she tried to push him back.

I blinked hard for a moment and gasped. The feeling inside me was as though invisible hands had squeezed every morsel of air until I had no breath. I held the back of my hand against my mouth, trying hard to cover the weak sniffle that leaked.

But I couldn't leave without having my say, mainly to let him know I was there.

My eyes blurred once more, but through pure determination I blinked the mistiness away, raised my hand and tapped my knuckles ever so gently on the door. He was so caught up in his lust that he didn’t flinch or turn my way.

I breathed a faint laugh.

Stupid, but I wanted to stay composed. “I argued with my parents to be with you.” My voice was much more contained than I expected it to sound. “You…” I swallowed back the thick anger and hurt.

Don’t cry, Lacey. Be brave.

His head swivelled to me, his eyes wide open like I was holding a sharp knife to his throat. “Lacey…” he murmured.

I laughed. Was I delirious?

“Lacey.” He pushed my so-called best friend off his dick, turning and yanking his boxer shorts over his arse.

“Don’t stop on my account,” I hissed.

I wanted to argue with him, kick him in the balls, but I couldn’t listen anymore and I didn't want to see anymore. I backed away from the scene with shaky steps along the cream coloured hallway carpet that matched the pristine cream walls.

“Lacey, stop,” he yelled again.

One leg gave way as I swept my fingers over my face to clear away the bitter tears blazing down my cheeks. Choking back my sobs, I made a few more shaky steps before I rushed down the stairs and by the time I made it to the front door, a hazy spray covered my eyes once more.

“Lacey,” he shouted so hard and deep, it sounded like a roar rolled from his mouth.

Slamming the door behind me, I opened my eyes wide, looked straight ahead, and stilled myself. It was just for a moment to find my inner strength. Though that was hard because right now my heart was pounding more beats than was safe. I dipped my face and stared at the ground, knowing I needed to get to the safety of my home.

But my leaden legs weren’t ready to move. So, I sucked in a deep breath and stared at the darkened sky as I tried to blank out the deep sense of malice in the air. The trouble was, each sound around made my heart thump and each got harder than the last, but I needed to make myself move. I had to get home, even if it meant I had to do it in the dark.

Digging my fingernails into my thighs, I blinked hard, and slowly raised my head and gazed up at the stars. A momentary hesitation as I mulled over the run home alone. Then I spun and glanced for the last time behind me because my worst fears had arisen inside the house. But as I shifted back to the darkness ahead of me, I hesitated one last time.

I hesitated because the last thing the shadow did in my dream was mouth,“I’m coming for you. You’re mine.”

Chapter 2


One year later

“Liftyourleg…straighter,”the dance teacher barked. I smiled. I still liked to dance. It was always my time, something for me. Something to take my mind off my future life. “Shoulders back.”

But this dance school was new to me and, according to my uncle, it was the best and conveniently the closest to the university I was soon to start. Not that I was supposed to be attending this university, and I hated he hadn't let me attend Julliard in New York City, a place I’d secured when everything was perfect and before my life changed forever. And now I needed to dance, burn off energy, forget my troubles and suppress the anger that boiled inside me.

I pulled my knees to my chest as I rested my chin on my folded arms and stared ahead. Close enough to see but far enough away for him not to recognise me. Luckily, this hooded sweater hid a lot of my face and my long golden blonde hair was in a bun at the nape of my neck.

I sighed and shut my eyes. Now knowing my uncle knew Carter was here, I wanted to dance, but could I if he was here? Worse, did that also mean he was at the same university, too? He had to be.

I hated my uncle for doing this to me. I was supposed to be a future queen, but he insisted I study for my law degree.

It’s a family thing.

I snorted because I had no family left.