Page 48 of Reborn a Queen

“Nothing. The three of us went to a nightclub in the city and I went back to their place because I was so drunk. Then Blake dropped me here the next day.”

“And you slept where?” I asked, rolling my eyes.

“Honestly, nothing went on. They have a spare room.”

I held my hands in the air. “Hey, it’s none of my business. Just be safe.”

Polly smiled. “Forget me and Blake, it will never happen but Jack likes you, though.”

“He is cute.”

“You’ve just described Jack as cute. Lacey, the man is a walking Greek god.”

“You’ve seen those statutes of the Greek gods, though,” I said, winking as I wiggled my little finger.

Polly giggled and pulled out a red top and denim mini skirt, throwing them on the bed. “Wear those.”

“What are you wearing?” I asked. “Or are towels the new fashion?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “Skirt and top, nothing exciting.”

“Cancel, if you want to, you don’t sound enthusiastic about tonight.”

“I’m fine,” she said, her lips turned at the edges with a false smile.

“Okay, as long as you really want to go,” I said, and she nodded.

I drank the final tequila, which I hoped I wouldn’t regret tomorrow morning, and changed my underwear to a lace crimson set because I’m picky about matching my underwear with my clothing. I pulled on my black high-heeled ankle boots and we finally left.

Chapter 19


NosoonerhadIgot into the pub and Jack put his arm around my neck and pulled me in for a long and passionate kiss. His tongue swept along mine and his hand curled in my hair, pulling me closer and he deepened the kiss.

I pulled away and laughed. “Hello again,” I said, and held out my hand. “I’m Lacey.”

He roared with laughter, and I smiled at him. “We’re past the pleasantries, we’re practically dating.”

Polly was right. He wasn’t cute; he was bloody gorgeous, and I wasn’t sure how I kept missing it.

Ah yes, Carter first and then, because my mind kept wandering to Seb.

“Drink?” Jack asked.

“Sparkling water, Polly’s been trying to get me drunk already.”

“Lacey, have something stronger,” Polly yelled as she rubbed chalk onto her cue. She and Blake were taking the first shot at our double pool game. And I was glad she seemed happier.

“Honestly, water is fine,” I said.

Jack smiled, his hand rubbed my back as he leaned into my ear. “I’ll get you something sweet.”

“Okay,” I said as our eyes met and we smiled at each other, then I turned to watch and learn how to play pool. Polly leaned over the edge of the table, one leg on the floor and the other raised behind her. She placed her cue weirdly between her fingers and, pulling the cue back, she hit the white ball.

My eyes flicked up as I glanced at Blake; he met my eyes, and we smiled at each other.

Jack handed me a bottle of a pink-coloured drink. “Vodka with Guava.”