Page 116 of Reborn a Queen

“Sorry?” Clay asked.

“My father. You said is,” Lacey said, her tone irritated.

“Sorry, I forget sometimes. I still talk to him,” Clay said, his eyes glazed as he looked at her.

She sighed as she rubbed her hand over his. “Me too.” She hesitated. “So my children won’t automatically be full royal kings or queens..”

“That’s right, but the chances are greater with a higher level knight.”

“Or a mate bond,” Lacey said. She stopped talking as she stared at Clay, gasping she asked, “are you saying my mother was a royal knight?” Her chin tilted in the air. I looked at Clay, who smiled.

“She was.”

Lacey's eyes teared as she walked around the room, taking everything in. I glanced at Seb, who watched her intently, waiting for her to go to him. Carter had taken a seat and sat back in the chair, a sly smile crept on his face. Ryan glimpsed at Clay and then at me.

I shook my head to drop his internal questioning but I had a feeling he was thinking the same as me. I had a feeling by Lacey's silence she was thinking too much again.

“But my father was a royal, and my mother was his knight. I thought, like me, they couldn’t be killed in this world and my mother would be there to protect him?” Lacey said confirming my thoughts.

“That’s a story for another time, Lacey.”

She narrowed her eyes and twisted her body back to Clay. “No, it isn’t.” Her voice raised as she focused her attention fully on her uncle.

That surprised me because when I was younger and prior to taking on this calling, I’d been told about Clayton Summer, hearing he wasn’t a man to mess around with. And though the secrecy surrounding the kingdom was high and the sector I came from much lower in the ranks. Once I went into knight training, I looked up to him with the utmost respect and a little of fear but Lacey had no qualm for who he was.

And he was the king—for now.

“I need to know who can kill me when I’ve been told my magic stops me from being killed.” Her voice firm, slightly raised; she had no problem exerting her authority.

“I think you’ve just answered your own question,” Clay said. Not asking her to calm herself down. That I was surprised by. He took everything she was giving him. Even he knew she was to be the leader, higher than him, but with no real training.

She shook her head and laughed, not hearty and loving, more sinister. Something Lacey showed little of. “He decided not to use his magic and instead he died? But why would he do that?”

Clay stayed silent and everyone waited for him to reply.

“Tell me. Why would my parents have left me alone?” She hissed.

“It was an accident with no magic involved,” Clay answered.

Lacey shook her head. “I don’t believe you. I’ve read the reports, I’ve seen the evidence. A car accident did not kill them. The injuries are not consistent.”

“That doesn’t mean magic was involved.”

“Are you saying it’s what I asked you? It’s something to do with his line of work?” she asked. Clay stared at Lacey for one second too long. She shook her head. “Don’t lie to me. You’re covering up something.”

“You're not ready to hear everything," he replied.

“I need to know,” she hissed.

“No. Not yet,” Clay said with his voice raised.

She flung her head back, and it sounded as though she was chanting something. She closed her eyes and lowered her head, touching her thumbs against her middle fingers and the chanting got faster; the sound reverberated through the air. I looked to Carter who smiled, but Seb shook his head lightly. Ryan stared at Lacey. Suddenly we could see what laid beneath the beautiful façade.

“Lacey, donotuse your magic,” Clay said with a cool composure of a man who had authority, but he obviously knew where this was going.

She opened her eyes. They glimmered with flashes of golden fire as she glared at him.

“Lacey,” Clay hissed.