Patricia grinned. “Well, what if I lied?” And she wiggled her brows. They all did that constantly, like moving brows was some kind of a hidden language—and it had rubbed off on me, too. Now I found myself doing the same.

“Pfft. You didn’t,” Eva said, waving her off.

“Guys, I need to focus,” I said, my voice weak, the documents of the case in front of me, but the letters swam before my eyes. I couldn’t read a single word if my life depended on it right now.

Just stop thinking,I told myself. I had a case. I had work to do. So what if he came back? So what if he walked past me like I wasn’t even there? So what that he didn’t evenlookmy way for a second?

So what that I felt like a freaking fool for believing what we had in San Francisco hadanymeaning at all?

The more time passed, the more it proved him right—Iwasnaive and tiny and unfit for this place, just like he said to the Chief weeks ago.

But my friends kept on going because they were too invested in the conversation to notice the way I looked. I was probably pale. Dominic always had a way of sucking all the pink out of me.

“There are types, you know,” Eva was saying, and no matter how hard I tried not to listen, I still did. “I bet he’s Class A. Really long and really thick. And really smooth—like one of those cocks from Porn Hub.”

I covered my face with my hands and groaned.

“Agreed. A hundred percent,” Hunter said. “Those are real—I was with a Columbian guy once, and, boy, could he fuck.”

“I hope it’s notpretty,” Patricia said with a flinch. “Pretty dicks are so girly.”

“There’s probably nothing girly about his,” Eva said.

Well…she was right about that, at least.

Ugh. My own mind was turning against me. My whole body, too. Because they kept on talking—about his abs and his pecs and his ass, and every time they did, my mind was eager to conjure images of him naked, in bed, hands and mouth and teeth all over me, drops of water hanging on his skin, the feel of his hair between my fingers, his mouth on mine, his cock inside me…

Why are you doing this to me? I asked nobody in particular. Why was Iwetwhen he’d just walked past me like I was a freaking graveyard?

I hated my friends more than ever, even though it wasn’t their fault. I never told them about Dominic and me. I couldn’t if I tried—I was too shy. And embarrassed. And pretty convinced that most of it had been in my head rather than real.

“You’ve seen him.”

All their eyes were suddenly on me.

I swallowed hard.


“You’ve seen him. On that mission,” Patricia continued. “C’mon, you must have seen him without a shirt on, at least.”

Damn, why was it so hot in here? “Erm…”

“Of course, she didn’t. If he was the type to walk around without a shirt on, this office would be a much happier place,” Eva said.

“You sawsomething, didn’t you? You were with him for three days,” Patricia insisted. “C’mon, spill the beans.”

“There are no beans. We wereworking.” And sleeping in the same bed. And dancing. And fucking.


“Whatever,” Patricia said, completely disappointed.

“He likes cars. I told you that,” I mumbled, suddenly feeling completely small. Smaller than usual.

“Cars.Everybody likes cars,” Hunter said, waving me off like what I said wasn’t worth anything.

I only shrugged, afraid if I tried to say something, I’d share too much. I wanted them to know—they were my friends. But they also had a way of making me miserable for fun, and I couldn’t handle being made fun of about Dominic.