“No, no. Something different. It’s the eyes,” he said. Resting his chin on the heel of his hand, he watched me, unblinking.

“Yeah,” Patricia said, as if she just realized something, too. “Yeah, yeah. I see it.”

“She got laid.”

We all turned to Eva, who looked bored out of her mind. My mouth opened and closed a few times, and my cheeks felt like they were melting off me already.

“Oh. My.God.” Patricia was already on her feet, looking at me like I’d just grown an extra head on my shoulders.

Oh, no.


“No, no, I didn’t. I was just—”

“Janitor’s closet—now.” Hunter was on his feet, too, when he gave that order, and Eva, like the spoiled brat that she was, grinned and wiggled her brows at me while she followed Hunter and Patricia, who were already at the door, practically running.

“It’s not fair,” I told her, but all she did was laugh and turn her back to me.

“Get your ass up, Pink!” Hunter called, holding the office door wide open as he looked at me from across the room. Every agent at their desk had their eyes on me.

“That’sit,” I told myself when I stood up, not even caring if they heard me and thought I was crazy—Iwasright now. “You are going to start learning how to lie on the spot about him startingtoday.”

And then I followed the others to the janitor’s closet and told them everything.


What a disaster.I could hardly breathe an hour later, when they finally let me out of the janitor’s closet.Afterthey drilled me with questions abouteverything. I’m talking length, thickness (Eva made me hold different detergent bottles in my hands so I could show herexactlythe width of Dominic’s dick), evencolor.What does the color even matter? What does the shape ofballshave to do with anything?

My friends were going to drive me freaking nuts.

And they still weren’t happy.

“Tonight,” Hunter said. “As soon as this is over, we’re going to go over everything again.”

I groaned. “No! I already told you everything. Trust me, you didn’t let me keep a single detail to myself.” I did, in fact. I kept plenty of things away from their ears only because I knew what they would do to me if I told them how Dominic had, erm…made me come. They wouldneverlet me live it down. Ever.

“We should get some pizza, too. And beer,” Eva said with a nod, like she hadn’t even heard me.

“Yep. We’re gonna need the energy. I swear, I haven’t been this wet in ages,” Patricia said, making me flinch.

They went on and on, and I tried my best to tune them out, but I still heard everything. Thankfully, by the time we reached the office, they at least lowered their voices.

“So, when’s it happening again? And what are the chances of you taking a picture?”

I wasn’t even blushing anymore. “I don’t know. Andno—definitely not taking a picture.” Just the thought of it…ugh.

Right now, I was thankful I hadn’t told them how I’d asked Dominic to leave this morning. I hadn’t told them about the wolf trying to break free while he slept, either. Too much information. Way too personal for Dominic. It wasn’t my right to tell that to anyone. And I really,reallydidn’t want to talk about the fact that it wasnevergoing to happen again because it hurt so bad. I’d rather just skip that part altogether, at least when talking to them. And I also saved myself the discomfort of being looked at with pity. They were my friends. They cared about me, and they would have worried. I didn’t want them to worry.

But damn if I wasn’t completely flushed the rest of the day.

The hours stretched and even taking calls and trying to keep myself distracted didn’t work. I left my headphones on when I wasn’t talking on the phone because the girls and Hunter kept trying to sneak in absurd questions every few minutes. Even the music did nothing to calm me down. It sucked because five o’clock rolled in and I didn’t plan on going home because I would lose my mind all by myself in that apartment now.

And also I was terrified that Dominic might come back. I wasn’t delusional—Iknewthat I wouldn’t be able to turn him away a second time. He had way too much power over me. So, if I just stayed at the office, I’d be safe.

Before the shift ended, I went to the bathroom to splash some cold water on my face, hoping it would make me feel better. It didn’t. But as soon as I came back into the office, the first thing I saw was Chief Randall’s red face and wide eyes, his finger pointed at me.

“De Ver!” he shouted from across the office, making me freeze in place. “My office, now!”