Then he continued to fuck me until the world fell apart completely, and I was soaring into space.

He didn’t hold back, either. The second he felt me tightening around him, he let go, too. The sounds of him, the feel of him, the way he called my name kept me floating on air for what felt like ages. Even after we both came, he kept his arms locked tightly around me, holding me against his chest. He took us back to the bed and lay us down as we both breathed heavily, lazy smiles playing on our lips.

“Was that nice?” he whispered against my ear. If I’d had the energy, I’d have laughed.

“No, Mr. Dane. That was not nice at all,” I mumbled. He sighed, as if he wererelieved. As if it was such an insult to call himnice.

“Sleep now, Teddybear,” he whispered, making himself comfortable on the pillow.

I wanted to ask him if he would be there when I woke up, but I couldn’t even get my mouth to open now. I was completely spent. Sleep took me faster than ever before.

The gruntsand growls came frommybed. At first, I thought it was a dream because I slept alone, and I was already used to the sounds of the world outside the windows, so they didn’t bother me. Didn’t even wake me up anymore.

But the memories rushed back to me, and I felt the warmth of the body pressed against my back. My eyes opened and I held my breath.


I turned my head and saw him right there on my bed. His arm was still under me, but he lay on his back. Though his eyes were closed, his breathing was fast and his face was twisted, brows narrowed and lips parted like he was in pain.

“Dominic?” I whispered, but all I got for an answer was a growl. His head moved from one side to the other, and he didn’t react to my touch when I put my hand on his chest. My God, his heart was racing worse than mine. His skin was covered in a layer of sweat even though he was completely naked. I touched his cheek, hoping to gently wake him up from whatever nightmare he was having, but he kept on moving his head violently, like he was trying to get away from me.

“Dom—” The word caught in my throat when I noticed something moving over his smooth chest—dark brownfurwas growing in three separate patches over his pecs at an alarming rate.

The wolf.

“Dominic!” I shouted, but he didn’t wake up, didn’t open his eyes. Only kept grunting in pain and the patches of fur slipped inside him again, and more appeared right over his abs.

The wolf was back.How? He’d taken Crackdown at the ship, hadn’t he?

His fingers dug into my back, his nails razor sharp. I cried out as he wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled me to his side hard, eyes still closed. Still asleep. I looked down to see his fingers stretched, his fingernails now claws, curved to the tip, digging into my skin just like they had in that dream.

Oh, God. His wolf wasreallyhere.

Before I knew it, I was over him, flush against his chest, slapping his cheek, calling out his name,screamingit louder with every second. He had to wake up. He had to know what was happening. He had to see…

His eyes popped open, and my heart stood perfectly still. There was no green in them at all—just gold. Wide golden eyes stared at me, froze me in place. It felt like the whole world stood still for that long second, before Dominic blinked.

“Teddy,” he whispered, and half his eyes were already green, the gold fading away.

Tears rushed to me, and I leaned down to kiss him, so relieved that he was awake, that he was himself. No more fur on his skin. His fingers were tipped with nails now, not claws.

“Hey,” he whispered, his voice thick and hoarse, and he wrapped his arms around me and slowly put me down on the bed to his side.

“You were dreaming. You…” I wanted to tell him about the fur and the claws and the way he’d moaned in pain, but I couldn’t.

“Yeah?” he said, kissing my hair, snuggling me closer.

“Yeah…” The words died on my lips.

Why couldn’t I just tell him? The wolf had been there, hadn’t he? I’d seen the eyes, the claws. I’d seen it.

Or hadIbeen dreaming, too?

“I’m just tired, that’s all,” he mumbled, half asleep already, and rested his chin over my head.

It was everything I could do to stop my hands from shaking.

It hadn’t been a dream. I’d seen it. The wolf had been there—Dominic’s eyes had become completely golden.