“Bad liar,” Patricia said.

“I’m not a liar.” I flinched. “Well, I am, but I’m not a liarright now.”

Another moment of that loaded silence.

I slapped my thighs, exasperated. “Oh, c’mon, guys. I’m trying to tell you the truth here. Wasn’t that what you wanted?”

“Okay, okay,” Eva said. “Let’s calm down here for a second.”

Patricia shook her head. “No—let’snotcalm down. How are we gonna calm down if she really fucked Dominic Dane?”

I flinched again. “We—”

“Hold on, ‘cuz I need to be mentally prepared for the description of his dick,” Hunter said, pressing his fingers to his temples, eyes squeezed shut.

“There will be no description of—”

“Wait—youactuallyfucked him?” Eva said and began to drag herself closer to me. “Like, he actually had his dick inside your vagina?” And she made all the motions with her hands, too.

My cheeks were hot. My entire body was burning. I covered my face with my hands. “What have I done?” How in the word did I think that tellingthemwas going to help me in any way? God, I’d just dug my own grave.

“But you’re so small,” Hunter continued because, no, they did not care that I was miserable, at all. “And he’shuge. How in the world did that even work?”

“How did you fit him?” Patricia said. “Unless he’s small. He’s small, isn’t he? Oh, God.”

“He’s not—”

“He’snotsmall. I’ve seen it in his pants—trust me, girl,” Eva said, before I could answer.

“But she’s so small. Have you seen her hips? They’re likethat,” said Hunter, showing the width of my hips with his hands.

I groaned, but they still didn’t care.

“Trust me, baby, the hips have nothing to do with it,” Eva said.

“Of course, they do,” shot Patricia. “But I’m trying to imaginehowit went down. Were you on top? Because that would probably be easier.”

“No—hewas the one on top,” said Hunter. “Of course, he was—stop talking out your ass, Patty.”

Then Eva clapped her hands and grinned: “He took you from behind, didn’t he.” It wasn’t a question.

“Oooh,” Hunter said with a nod, and high-fived her.

“That actually makes more sense,” said Patricia.

My friends were idiots.

“Will you stop talking for one second?!” I shouted, much louder than I’d planned to. But my heart was beating a mile a minute, and I was already sweating, and they weren’t letting me say anything which was the whole point of this stupid, stupid decision in the first place.

“Right,” Hunter said, clearing his throat and straightening his shoulders. “Right, go on. We’re all ears.”

“We went to San Francisco for the mission. And the hotel room only had one bed. And I was pretending to be his girlfriend, and I needed to smell like him, so I—”

“You fucked him,” Eva cut me off.


“So why are you telling us that?” Hunter said, and he actually looked serious.