I made a face. “Maybe?”

“I get it. I’ve seen plenty of women react to being suddenly mated to a damned werewolf, and none of them have behaved like you. It’s intriguing. But don’t be ashamed; everyone deals with shit in their own way. If you need someone to talk to, I can offer a unique perspective. Being one of the only humans in a town of werewolves your whole life is quite the education.” She winked at me, and I grinned back sheepishly.

“Alright, we can talk. I guess. As long as you’re not going to go spilling secrets; it seems like Dax’s parents have done enough of that already.”

Char laughed. “It’s nothing against you, that’s just who they are. Let’s go, and I’ll meet you back at my place in a few minutes.”

I nodded, heading to my car while she climbed into her truck.

After I turned my car on, I pulled my own phone out and looked at the screen.

Dax: You look beautiful today. I forgot to tell you that before you left—I love the way you dress.

Dax: …as long as you wear bras when you go out in public.

My heart swelled a bit.

Me: Thanks. I’m going to hang with Char a bit, and then I’ll head back. We still need to talk.

The bubbles popped up on Dax’s screen almost immediately after I hit send.

They disappeared a moment later, and remained absent for a moment before finally reappearing.

His message came through, and surprised me.

Dax: Okay, talk soon.

There was a long pause, with the dots moving again, and then he finally added,

Dax: And I know you don’t want to hear it, but I love you. Felt like that should probably follow “talk soon”.

My heart squeezed like someone had clamped down on it and strangled the hell out of the damned thing.

I shut my phone down and shoved it back into my pocket before pulling away from the coffee shop.