We chatted a bit longer,until an annoyed-looking Charly strode into the coffee shop. She wore black leather combat boots, a pair of cutoff jean shorts, and a black t-shirt featuring a groovy cow that read, “Don’t be a Salty Heifer”.

“It’s a cow shirt day?” I checked, knowing she only wore that shirt when she was trying to annoy someone. She always wore things with funny sayings, but this one in particular was for the sake of uptight people everywhere.

“You’re making me talk to Lisa, so yeah.” She dropped onto the booth beside me. “Swap places with me, I don’t want to sit across from that bitch.”

“She could be a perfectly nice person,” Lizzy argued. “Remember how badly the other pack treated me?” She looked to me for support.

“They were shitty,” I agreed.

“Lisa runs an OnlyFans account, which is obviously not evil unto itself, but she has business cards. And literally hands them out to mated werewolves, daily. Daily, guys. Mated werewolves. As in, permanently taken. And if someone gives her their number, she will legitimately text them explicit videos and links. I’ve had teenage werewolf boys come in feeling like absolute dog shit because they got horny like the fucking teenage boys they are and looked up the site she texted to them. Why do we need any more evidence before calling her a bitch for that?” Charly argued.


Lisa did sound like a bitch.

My defenses rose drastically at the idea of some chick handing Dax a business card—fuck, I’d see red.

The bell over the door jingled, and Charly glanced over and groaned. A gorgeous, tanned woman wearing a short, strapless tube dress that was glued to every one of her curves walked in. Her hair was so thick it was clearly fake, and her eyelashes were as well.

I didn’t judge people for extensions regardless of where they wanted to put them, but when you paired that with the sexual assault shit…

Well, hopefully she wasn’t as bad as she sounded.

Char grumbled, “You were supposed to trade me places.”

“If she says anything about Dax or Elliot, we’ll probably need you to stop us from killing her,” I whispered back.

Char shot me a look. “How about I help you, instead?”

“Charly.” The beautiful woman’s face and voice were both flat. “Great.”

“Hi, I’m Lizzy.” Lizzy extended a hand, ready to shake Lisa’s.

Lisa put a half-hearted fake smile on her face and shook Lizzy’s hand as if she was trying to touch as little of my best friend’s skin as possible.

“You’re Lisa?” Lizzy asked, no longer looking positive about this little get-together.

“Mmhm.” She flicked a hand toward Lizzy, and Lizzy lifted an eyebrow at her.

“What are you doing?”

“Trying to get you to move over, obviously.” The woman didn’t look impressed with us, but clearly, the feeling was mutual.

“Seriously?” Lizzy’s other eyebrow lifted too.

“What do you expect me to do, stand?”


Char was right; what a bitch.

“There’s plenty of room right here. I’m only taking up half the bench.” Lizzy’s eyes narrowed at the woman.

Yeah, Tube Dress didn’t know what she was getting herself into. Lizzy was one of the nicest people you met—up until you treated her badly. Since SD tried to kill her and Evan, she wouldn’t take shit from anyone. Period.

Lisa laughed in complete fake amusement. “Oh, honey. If that’s what half looks like to you, I pity your mate.”